Vanessa agreed with the two evolutionary biologists I posted a video about. He agreed that natural selection is an aspect of COVID19.
Just a few things here:
I've always liked Bret Weinstein and his anti-SJW stance with a lot of things that line up with my own societal views. Not as familiar with his wife as I was with him. I knew who he was before you shared their vid
I agree that Chinavirus is knocking off the weakest, most physically unfit human beings in society, yes. In THAT regard, I agree to (as you said) the natural selection aspect of Chinavirus.
I made a flippant joke about how he has been anti-evolution for several years, and suggested that he was actually a Christian Heretic because he was agreeing with evolution.
...and I'm
still anti-evolution. I've always been anti-evolution but there's nuance to my beliefs (as is typical with ALL my beliefs because I think deeply about a lot of shit and form my own conclusions about stuff).
I agree that things mutate. I agree that natural selection in nature is a thing. That doesn't mean I think all life arose from a primordial soup nor do I think things macro-evolve from species to species. I think Darwin had some ingenious points that are absolutely true but to then make the leap of logic
from mutation within a particular species or to have dominant / recessive traits be transferred over time between generations for better environmental adaptability to then assuming there was a primordial soup millions and millions of years ago that ALL life arose and that there has been a steady path from that to fish / reptiles / birds / mammals / primates to finally humans in varying branches along the tree of life is a leap of logic too far. It is THAT aspect that one typically calls "evolution" that I continue to call complete horseshit.
We have every tool imaginable to create life and yet we can't. Humans cannot genuinely create ANYTHING. That is the sole job of The Creator who is God Himself, and He didn't create the primordial soup and give a spark of life and watch it go. He created diverse life in an instant and guess what we have here on earth now that we can see with our own eyes? DIVERSE LIFE..... awe-inspiring diversity at that. Nothing more and nothing less.
One thing I've already said we agree on
: mods overreacted at the "
Burn yourself at the stake" thing. The suicide rule is lame anyway... who gives a crap~