This is why I think you're an idiot.
Your previous reply to me was all about the science of transexualism, to be honest, I've never read any of your posts on that, at least that I can recall.
No, you haven't, that's correct. You're a babe in the woods with the Vanessa experience, as I have said in a previous post.
My opinion that you're a complete moron is all about your religious beliefs and outright denial of science
200,000,000 people in this country are a complete moron in your opinion because those are the approximate statistical number of people in the US that believe what I believe about God. I don't subscribe to the idea that just because the masses believe something that that makes it true so don't misinterpret me saying that as some kinda proof about Christianity... simply saying you are calling the majority of your fellow citizens complete morons when you call me a complete moron based on my beliefs... which is fine. As long as you accept that, so be it.
I don't live in denial of science... I relish it actually. The problem is YOU probably think science has disproven the existence of God and it most certainly has not~
(at least science that doesn't benefit your sexuality.) I don't, however, support calling you a faggot or anything like that. I absolutely believe that whatever makes you a tranny, you were born with and have no control over, and wouldn't insult you just because you want to feel normal in your body.
Thanks, that's the civil part of your entire post. You can call me a faggot if you please... doesn't bother me in the slightest because A) it's untrue and B) it's amusing to me.
But I will insult you for being what sounds like possibly a young earth creationist.
Sure, go ahead. I'm not a young earth creationist, but you can call me that if you wish. People have asked me, "
So Vanessa, how old is the earth then to you, a Christian?" To which I answer "
somewhere between 6000 years old to 4.5 billion years old, but other than that... I DON'T KNOW and neither do you."
know you will say the answer is 4.5 billion years old. I'm not stupid. I could spout out all the facts of your worldview if I so chose and explain Darwinian evolution just as an atheist would describe it to anyone.
I know your arguments just fine. But you don't know my arguments whatsoever... so you tell me... who has the intellectual and argumentative highground here on THAT fact alone? I just think men aren't as smart as they think they are when determining these things. The amusing thing is that you call that science and it actually flies in the face of the scientific method. You can't test in a lab the age of the earth and never will be able to.
But but but...
carbon dating! Sure, let's talk about it. Go ahead. Stun me. Wow me on the ins and outs of half life decay of radiocarbon. Use your big brain to effect to own the Christian with science!
Corinthians 3:19 -
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God <--- yes indeed, we have a bible passage for literally everything. Such is the miracle of the Word.
Don't you see the contradiction for you posting scientific papers then throwing one of the most well researched wings of science out the window just because it doesn't fit with your bible?
Science fits perfectly with the Bible... you just don't
think it does. It's incredible... the Bible never said the earth is XXXX years old. There is no contradiction.