You said the other side wasn't right about how bad the SJW stuff was. I said okay--what would have made the other side right in your eyes, what would you have to see in order to say "yeah, that shit is way over the line". You then said the kids-puberty blocker stuff was an example.I don't agree with your categorization of it as religion, never have. Aside from that I'm not sure what you're trying to get here. I already said that was something I hadn't anticipated directly related to the SJW nonsense we're talking about.
As far as the /pol shit, fucking l o l. The idea that some maga cultist or communist apologist came to their views through thorough research and education, really just paying attention to the facts, that's just silly. Most Americans don't pay attention because when they do, those are the people that they see, and maybe you can't see it but to everyone else it is disgusting.
As we both said earlier, it's too broad of a term. On this one item yes, the "other side" was right. On a host of others they are not. One of the main problems with ideological adherence.You said the other side wasn't right about how bad the SJW stuff was. I said okay--what would have made the other side right in your eyes, what would you have to see in order to say "yeah, that shit is way over the line". You then said the kids-puberty blocker stuff was an example.
So..You've already seen an example that leads you to believe the other side was right? But you still claim they weren't correct. Did I miss something? (Not being high handed in that ask. I think we lost something in this exchange).
So there is no way someone who posts in the /pol thread and supported Trump could have come to their conclusion through research? It has to be due to pure ignorance? That's interesting. What evidence brought you to that conclusion?
I can back up any serious post I've ever made with proper receipts/links. It is YOU people who cannot seem to do so. That's what pisses certain people off here... it's the fact that I do indeed know what the f00k I'm talking about and destroy you guys by backing up my words. It's like.... hey, sorry that I'm awesome and post real shit instead of fantasyville lunacy. I know y'all were used to Jerle and Goliath here, but the real deal Holyfield showed up here. I play for keeps.
As we both said earlier, it's too broad of a term. On this one item yes, the "other side" was right. On a host of others they are not. One of the main problems with ideological adherence.
No, I don't think facts and research are the main driver behind political opinions of hardcore partisans. I don't think this is a controversial view.
More often than not he quotes shit that actually debunks the point he is trying to make because he never actually reads the articles. And the rest of the time, its usually something skewed as hell like Lithose brought up. Thats why many of us gave up the engage and argue approach, opting for the sledgehammer. You just plain cannot have an engaging argument with a crazy person.My god, LOL. Vanessa, it's almost fascinating reading this. You really have no idea how utterly stupid your arguments are. The idea that you think you are some intellectual heavyweight is just so far fetched that I can't comprehend it. My god!!!
More often than not he quotes shit that actually debunks the point he is trying to make because he never actually reads the articles. And the rest of the time, its usually something skewed as hell like Lithose brought up. Thats why many of us gave up the engage and argue approach, opting for the sledgehammer. You just plain cannot have an engaging argument with a crazy person.
I would argue that it's pretty rare to find people discussing politics online who aren't hardcore ideologues, but sure. I don't know what that thread is, the last time I looked it was nothing other than Trump people saying Trump shit with no real dialogue or analysis at all. Then it got closed off into that section. I finally got access the other day thinking I would take up in the Atheist thread because I always liked that thread but then I saw the state of it and no thanks.SJW shit is too broad, as in saying all social justice is bad is too broad. SJW's are the exactly kind of hardcore partisans you decry, though. And SJW is a zealot--you don't believe they are akin to religious zealots, and that's fine--but they are by definition hardcore social justice partisans. When people were discussing them with you, they were pointing to this group of people as being a growing issue.
Posting in that thread, and being a Trump supporter doesn't make one a political partisan--that thread spends a lot of time bashing Trump. So I guess the first part is why do you assume those are the same? Second, if what you're saying is true--and communist sympathizers are the left's version of MAGA 'cultists'--why is there a significant presence of devout communists in the highest echelons of academia?
More often than not he quotes shit that actually debunks the point he is trying to make because he never actually reads the articles. And the rest of the time, its usually something skewed as hell like Lithose brought up. Thats why many of us gave up the engage and argue approach, opting for the sledgehammer. You just plain cannot have an engaging argument with a crazy person.
HRT is a hell of a drug...cock...tail.The worst part is the way Vanessa writes her posts. It’s condescending, full of completely unwitty remarks, tildes, retarded arguments, etc. And I read them in tranny voice. I honestly can’t tell if she’s stupider or not than Lumi. Or crazier.
You must not get out much. Politics is drawing hard partisan lines at bars and other gathering places. The ones that are open anyhow, which is probably why they are trying to keep shit shut down. Every time you show a normie actual videos from "mostly peaceful protests" or of that creature thats the Assistant Sec of Health, you redpill them and probably four or five people they know. The powers that be really do not want that. They want all information to come from official (read controlled by SJW aligned zealots) sources.I would argue that it's pretty rare to find people discussing politics online who aren't hardcore ideologues, but sure.
I would argue that it's pretty rare to find people discussing politics online who aren't hardcore ideologues, but sure. I don't know what that thread is, the last time I looked it was nothing other than Trump people saying Trump shit with no real dialogue or analysis at all. Then it got closed off into that section. I finally got access the other day thinking I would take up in the Atheist thread because I always liked that thread but then I saw the state of it and no thanks.
If you're asking if I think all people who voted for Trump are cultists, obviously not. You know the people I'm talking about. It isn't subtle. As for why a bunch of people in academia have stupid opinions, I don't know. Maybe they aren't challenged enough, maybe they are falling victim to the same groupthink that creates that creates the maga cult, maybe it's a combination of a hundred different things.
Also, I would challenge your statement about "they were pointing to these people as a growing issue." That's not what they were saying. Or you, even. Apologies if I'm fucking this up but I clearly remember you not just saying (in so many words) that but that it was the single most important issue of our time. And it jsut isn't.
Funny, that’s how we used to win the faculty beer chugging wars, vortex power style.Well turds tend to circle faster the closer they are to the drain...
It isn't ignorance, you're misunderstanding. I'm saying partisan views aren't related to the facts at all. People on the extremes are not methodically questioning their assumptions or whatever, they're invested and they aren't going to let a little thing like objective reality get in the way.On the academia thing--that's exactly it. The data doesn't indicate education or facts decrease partisanship, quite the opposite--the more someone knows about an issue, the firmer their stance becomes. (This can be especially damaging when someone knows just enough to appear knowledgeable, but actually isn't). I thought it was interesting you felt partisanship was driven by ignorance, but its typically the opposite. My theory has always been that partisanship happens when someone can't communicate their viewpoint effectively because there simply isn't enough bandwidth to do so with an opposing side who won't listen--this only increases as people 'know' more. (And it can have a terrible feedback effect where people are misinformed and won't update their views because there is too much to tear down)
Yeah, we're going to have to agree to disagree here--I said SJWs were going to become the most significant cultural and political issue in this country relatively soon. That doesn't mean they are going to be the most significant issue of our time. However, I think their effect is going to be significant across multiple sectors of life in ways most people can't even imagine right now (Especially in terms of censorship regimes). I think so far I've been proven right--we've gone from you believing they only existed as silly internet advocacy or idiots on campus, to now major corporations and the Secretary of Education pushing critical race theory 'education' and concepts like 'white fragility' and 'whiteness' being mainstream talking points now, and cutting the dicks off children to assert their "identity' on national TV.
You realize its only been like 10 years right? That's an insane escalation in that amount of time. When we were originally talking about SJW stuff, did you ever believe you'd see children getting chemically castrated on TV, prebuscent boys drag dancing on morning talk shows, and major politicians saying white people just need to shut up? It is almost absurd to list the absurdities of the last few years.
Not many. Maybe zero.I wonder how many trannies we'll have here 10 years from now, assuming society doesn't collapse?
PagingI wonder how many trannies we'll have here 10 years from now, assuming society doesn't collapse? We used to have tons, then Vanessa was so retarded she made them all ashamed to be associated with her, at least that's what I'n going with. Now we just have her. I miss MissB, now THERE is a man I can jerk off to.
That looks more like a man than Vanessa does, imo.