Why do you live alone,
Because I'm not married and don't want a roommate.
Because carpet munchers who do not want a surprise penis (choppers call them TERFS) have upped their clocking game a lot the last couple years. They have had to.
Hey look... another post lacking any peer-reviewed research backing up your worldview. We're all surprised, Corporal Carbohydrates.
What's the longest romantic/sexual relationship you've had,
3 years.
God damn, that's fucking scary. A water buffalo would have a better chance at passing as a woman than that pig. Didn't he claim to have small shoulders? LMAO.
Another Fucker post completely detached from reality? Sweet!
I literally never said I had
small shoulders. I will yet again say, "Quote me where I said -
this thing- where Fucker said I said -
this thing- and you won't be able to. ...and why? Because this is what you drool-pools do: obsess over me and literally just make shit up that I say. THIS is why I'm somebody and you're a nobody. This is your place, clowncar.
Reality: I made fun of someone who said I had "linebacker shoulders". Please come back to reality, thanks lunatic!
Honestly water Buffalo is the perfect word for it. He looks exactly like one with lipstick.
Awwww, poor destroyed newbie atheist joined the group of Vanessa obsessives. Love it!
You didn't need to transition and then start posting here nonstop to accomplish that, but you do you
You're not wrong... I didn't need to. Yet I did, and I'm completely owning it. Thanks for your continued contribution to this thread Erro.
still not committed if you havent cut them off.
You don't strike me as a stupid person Cukernaut. In fact, I have no quarrel with you. You HAVE seen the results of post-op frankenpussies, right? It's a scary venture, and it takes time money and probably most important a high level of dysphoria having a penis. That's not the source of my dysphoria. With some trannies it is and they will fixate on their penis. I do not. Blaire White (we all know Blaire, right?) hasn't gotten it cut off either. You gonna tell me she isn't committed to "being transgender" or is a faux transgender??? Oh my Lord. We are being cautious (and it's still like buying a car... I'm not rich, remember, but I'm also doing just fine for myself).
Exactly! If I were a female and happened to be born with testicles (lol) I'd cut them off immediately!!!
I never said I was a female. Strawman on the field! Ooops! Illogical argument from the person who said the gap is too distant in intellect to relate to.
Find me the quote where I said I am a female Falxy. You've become obsessed enough obviously, so find it. Dazzle us.
the bored look on the collaborators face
My brother. I told him to look that way. I'm literally dunking on myself.. glad you enjoyed it. I have a lot of vids I've made about various shit that I like that I find entertaining. Some are horrible. Some are funny. The common theme, throughout the videos, is music. That's what I excel at.
As amusing as that was, that might be edging into doxxing territory. Even though Manessa said he does not care, its probably a tiptoe-ing the line a bit.
I don't care. I post stuff public and am proud of the stuff I post publicly. Unlike people who do nothing but devour (like you), I create. Those are the two type of people in this world. Creators, and Destroyers.
Agree. But he links his YouTube in his bio!!
You're fine. If I thought it was a problem you'd be reported to mods already. Relax, Max.
Yeah, not doxxing.
That said, video is much less convincing than pictures.
Yet I still go out in public and am never called he/him/sir. Reality > y'alls opinion.
Tide Pod was funny, though.
I take pride in making others laugh.
Hey look... a huge repost pic with strawman text on it. It must be a Boozecube post!
You already have three threads to declare yourself a winner in that you are shitting up.
Name 3 threads I am shitting up right now? You are mentally fucked in the head you retard... me replying to someone in a thread isn't shitting it up... it is your obsessive reaction to it that shits it up.
This is what every one of these excruciatingly long word-salad posts is like
Yet people read it because people constantly are here telling me what I say that I post (yes they get it wrong a lot because they are retarded, but still... can't help retards not be retards now, can they?)
How could posting something that is posted on a public forum be doxxing? Especially if it posted it.
Ask why they thought
pussified rant on Reddit about how much he sucks as a person was considered doxxing? It was a different platform under his name.
Because he didn't share it specifically. That's the issue. I share my YouTube page here. Everyone is fine here... no doxxing. You ever gonna post the timestamp to the Krauss video when he starts talking about the universe springing from nothing instead of just talking about an expanding redshifting universe or say in your own words how the universe came from nothing? No?
That's what I thought.
And the old guy with the drum with the dying inside look says it all as far as I am concerned.
As I explained above to Falxy mentioning him - Intentional and deliberate and you
fell for it believing it was real.
Lmao... you are such a stupid,
stupid human.
Look, literally every time she walks out the door she's being cat called constantly.
I never said that.
She barely goes outside for fear of all the male attention she gets.
I never said that.
She can't even buy some groceries without the clerk telling her she's the most beautiful woman he's ever met.
I never said that.
That shit cracked me up. We've all been with beautiful girls, people don't just sit there and complement them everywhere they go. Guys may act a little different, or like friends will complement, but strangers don't just sit there and say "OH MY GOD You are so beautiful!!!"
See, as a Christian, it is against my religion to lie. Therefore I don't do it.
What celestial rules are you breaking when you lie? What do you care? What moral fabric are you really tied to, being a hairless primate that has evolved in a line of descendent after descendant where your great great great great great (x9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999) grandfather was a (to steal Boris's great burn at a British hearing) Great Supine Protoplasmic Invertebrate Jelly? You have no recourse to a divine judge as I do. So no, I don't lie. I didn't say I am called beautiful every single day and every single time I go out. I said it happens, because it does. Often enough from strangers where THAT matters unlike you hateful evil atheists here who just thrive on being hateful evil atheists. /shrug
But keep going... this is why I've been here for 20 years (approx 5 years as Vanessa)... because y'all are amusing to me and this forum is great