it also leaked in the atheism thread, and in the shaw dicksucking competition thread
do you think we need 3+ threads with this kind of drivel? besides its own thread?
goddamn this place is reflecting society way too much if you do
I'm glad the people who run this joint aren't as stupid as you. Listen dunce: When I merely *exist* and post on topic shit in appropriate threads and people just like YOU focus on it and an argument ensues, you run up to the thread and blame me for it. No nimrod, it's the obsessive trolls who cannot get over my identity and folks like Lanx know what the deal is. I know its difficult to accept that you're low IQ and I've been shitting on you for years and you can't stand it, but its people like YOU who make threads shitty regarding the "problem".
Try the Morgan Freeman thing with me Punko (and others) How do you stop racism? Stop talking about it. Same thing. How do we not have retards getting triggered over a tranny here posting her opinions on things like Religion, TV shows, politics, BLM retards in the world etc etc...
stop talking about it. I'm doing my part to not inject tranny shit all over the place but YOU and others like you aren't doing YOUR part of shutting the fuck up. The jokes old. Move on, you shirt/watch worshipping cuck.
Jesus settle down.
Here's a post I made almost two years ago.
I sure as hell wasn't the most prescient on this. We've known about the real and fake trannies for a long ass time and how society codling the trenders is bad for literally everyone.
It's your acting like only you gets it and nobody else understand that makes everyone roll their eyes.
K, like I said, I have no quarrel with you and like you... you're one of the better posters here, but 03/17 vs 08/19 with how quick things change on the tranny front is a wide gap mein freund. For example, the
Brown University study on ROGD that was so "controversial" (the leftist freaked over it being released and tried to censor it, remember?) was 08/18 release.
Quote from the page:
"On Aug. 22, 2018, Brown University published a news story detailing a research article in the journal PLOS ONE on "rapid-onset gender dysphoria."
Fuck off, its you and your people that perpetuate this shit.
You're just as offensively stupid as Punko. They aren't "
my people", drool pool.
He claims to be some religious conservative but i'm thinking more of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
^ ..and that's why. Your mind cannot grasp anything other than "tranny bad" in the same light as Orange Man Bad leftists. Know why? Because you're just as stupid and incapable of nuance as the radical left that you
seem to hate. Same cloth you were cut from... different shape though... equally as unintelligent.
It reminded me of this 4 chan meme, and it also validates why people like
@Mrs. Haus over Tranbo Steve, women are women effortlessly. Men and women will never be the same, they will never be equal and for some reason people forget that this statement of fact isn't a bad thing, it's not demeaning, it's not sexist, it's fact. A mentally ill faggot can put on a dress, bolt on some titties, go Wu-Tang on their twig and berries and no matter how much they try they will never be anything more than a mentally ill faggot, instead women are women because that is how nature intended.
Only thing you're wrong about is the faggot part... there is no correlation between homosexuality and transgenderism but regardless of that fact... the thing is BoozeDunce, you and I agree on many things but your elephant in the room problem is that you have a tendency to be just as radical and frenzied and stoking the flames as the radicals on the left and have ZERO nuance and critical thinking about you... that's why I call you the right-wing SJW. Zero tact. Just frenzied bullshit propaganda built on a dark soil of depression and hate.
A lot apparently because that was the word that Facebook gave me a 30 day jail sentence for calling someone who literally was defending sex workers as a respectable means of income. Only a whore would defend other whores, amirite? Degenerates... I swear.