I'm actually in the mood to lay out some shit to you... though you truly don't deserve it. You deserve many bad things and likely you will have many bad things coming to you.
"love" to call you fat? Not particularly... it's just what you are. Again... just like Gimpko being a virgin. Just like me being a tranny. Things
are what they are /shrug
But see, you don't HAVE to be fat. You chose that. You are fat due to your own cravings and devices. Gimpko doesn't HAVE to be a virgin. He can (hopefully) court someone with all that
$$$ that he loves to brag about and get himself a female unless he's just an eternal bedwetting type of man. Based on his posts here, he fits the bill for the latter but people can make remarkable changes to their life. I'm proof. Animals cannot change their stripes, so to speak. People can.
I can't NOT be a tranny. There's no "taking off things" or "setting aside this thing here for a little while" etc. It's a curse of sorts.. it sucks.. But I have an amazing life too so it's just...
what it is. If I detransitioned I'd still be a tranny... I don't think you simpletons -get- that. There is biological evidence that being a tranny has a biological basis from birth, which I predicted would come to fruition and it has. Everything I have predicted about transsexuals have come to pass. Homosexuality does NOT have any evidence whatsoever of that and flies in the face of both biblical AND evolutionary ideology. Christianity is the most rational explanation of why we are here and why reality is the way it is. Evolution has many extremely fundamental answers missing and will likely *never* have those answers. Richard Dawkin's explanation that
"well science is working on that" fails the test, sorry. We Christians have all the answers, funny enough... and its not just
"Well God did it" like atheists like to strawman.
But getting back to your constant bullshit of "you're a hypocrite because you're a tranny and saying you're a Christian. What about Deut 22:5?"
Since Gender Dysphoria has a biological basis and it truly is an issue of born that way (not ALL trannies btw... I've stated for years there are many MANY people co-opting the transsexual identity for... ??? I dunno it's fucking WEIRD though), the question is: would a perfect God create a soul that was absolutely 100% doomed to fail and be separated by His grace? I truly don't think so. Even Christ saying to Judas that those who betray Him would be better off if they never were born... the implication is that Judas is FUCKED and is going to burn. But Judas still made a conscious choice to betray Jesus. I made 0 conscious choice to have Gender Dysphoria... and it will never go away. I take meds to quell that. The meds changed me. Remember what Jesus Himself said in Matthew 15:11?
So what are we *really* left with in your argument that Deut 22:5... literally ONE passage in the ENTIRE book... somehow destroys the entire notion that I am not a child of God in Jesus name? I just wear sweatpants for the rest of my life, yes? If it were THAT simple, do you REALLY think the Creator of the Universe and love incarnate would care one iota about the splitting of hairs of me wearing sweatpants versus skinny jeans (cut to fit my big ass that male jeans do NOT accommodate [male jeans are literally uncomfortable on me... I tried them post transition... its awful because of how my body is shaped now]). If YOU think it means "all trannies no matter what are abominations to the lord" then you think God would create people doomed to have no key to salvation which conflicts the very words of Christ, that all who athirst, come drink.
I could write you an entire page of a symphony from scratch and give it to you and you would have NO clue what I'm trying to communicate. God would. Precisely. His intellect is soooo beyond our comprehension, it's unreal to us. He is intelligent enough to know *exactly* what I'm talking about in this post, even *if* you or others like you don't. God knows the heart... so very, very well. You don't know my heart... whatsoever.
Well I think that's what'll be separating us there...
You're just an unintelligent and fat enemy of mine, and an enemy of God too. You just may be unintelligent for the rest of your life, but you don't have to be fat and you don't have to be my enemy and you don't have to be an enemy of God. You chose those 3 things. You're not going to hell for being unintelligent, just as I'm not going to hell for being a tranny. You're going to hell for rejecting God, while I'm going to Heaven for accepting God and His Son into my life and into my heart. He is my Lord,
forever and always.
Good luck with your...
forever and always. We both know what that shall be.