I guess I'm just the biggest hater after all.
A 'hatertot', if you will
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I guess I'm just the biggest hater after all.
LIke, totes ma goats, awesomesauce strugglebus!A 'hatertot', if you will
There is truth in the middle as always. Is this a frightening possibility due to trans people merely wanting to exist without being harassed / ostracized? Of course. But it's not as perverse as some of these right-wing SJWs who are shouting doom and gloom over this fake, massive influx of predators who have done absolutely ZERO in terms of transitioning merely self-identifying as women just to go into female-only spaces to be utterly monstrous pervs. Look at the news. It's just not happening, and the idea that there are predators willing to go through:
1) therapy
2) hormone replacement therapy
3) massively expensive surgeries
4) societal ostracism from friends/family/strangers
...just to peek a wink at women in a stall or gym dressing room is MORE insane than the reality of it: trans people doing a full transition just to be comfortable and happy and not want any shakeups or problems in society.
I have repeatedly asked people to post the links and news of rampant predators in female only spaces and children being forced under duress or by force by evil adults to transition at a very early age without the child's consent. They fail to meet my challenge and for good reason. It's a bogus, false narrative pushed by right-wing SJWs.
What IS happening more and more are young, fake "trans" people transitioning and then detransitioning once the newness and magic fades. It's a serious, lifelong change that isn't being taken seriously enough in society due to left-wing SJWs pushing for LESS gatekeeping. I of course, promote MORE gatekeeping, especially for very very young child transitioners. It can be a life or death situation to getting a choice wrong, and while it's morally reprehensible to force a child into transition when they're not really legitimately trans, it's also equally morally reprehensible to deny proper healthcare to a true transkid that is pushed to suicide due to massive depression on being forced to grow up as a gender they utterly loath due to crushing Gender Dysphoria.
Basically, my stance on all this is... fuck the radicals on both sides of this issue.
You already figured out the answer, but let me add some more fuel to the fire here. Think about the ridiculous ratio of MtF vs FtM and then think about how most of those MtF overwhelmingly end up still trying to date women. For a lot of those dudes, ESPECIALLY the fucking social drop out chud forever alone types, its a way to try and cuttlefish and bully women into intimacy that in saner times would have gotten an ass beating. For a good long while the lebos played along like good little Alphabet allies, but the broader lesbo community is really starting to hate trannies because (just like their gay white male compatriots) they got shoved to the back of the diversity bus in favor of weirder and more degenerate people. So then the chuds escalate it to stuff like "wax my balls" or "it's ma'am" dude. And the lesbians got branded TERFS for not wanting to play the Crying Game with these misanthropes.I know a couple of trans people (they're all biological males transitioning to females) and majority of them aren't going to go do the surgery. Why I can't fathom or guess, mostly they've said they want to have a way to go back if they want to. Which just confirms they aren't entirely sure. It sounds fake to me.
If you're sure you're the opposite sex, you're willing to look it everywhere (except your prostate, which to this date, doesn't get removed or added).
My anger comes not from how low we've come, sad as that is, but that we've been led here apurpose. It's infuriating.
I'm the person who first called out Tad10's transgenderismIs punko actually a virgin or is that just a thing to say?
One of the biggest nitpickers of my crap at the very very least. I appreciate it though. You're like the guy at the poker table who calls all low bets just to keep the bluffer honest. I DO shitpost. I DO slather sarcasm on stuff and I DO practice hyperbole for my own gains yup yup yup!I guess I'm just the biggest hater after all.
Yeah, a tranny's life is never normal. No one will ever look across the table and say... that's normal, not odd and not weird whatsoever. Whatsoever.1) societal ostracism from friends/family/strangers <-- this is first and goes on forever.
^ All of this is just2) therapy <-- so you can live a content life without killing yourself
3) hormone replacement therapy <-- war profiteering by pharmaceutical companies
4) massively expensive surgeries <-- war profiteering by surgeons
When it's free with a guarantee I won't regret it and I get the best surgeon and best caretakers. I.E. It ain't happening.So, when is 4 happening for you?
Yeah, sounds fraudulent as shit to me. True trans people grapple with Gender Dysphoria their entire existence. It's the difference between someone looking at their skin and being like.... yeah I'm white and one and done'ing that conclusion (you know, what we did when we were 3 in the mirror?) and looking at their skin and being like... I dunno, I'm olive, and I'm tanned, and I may be white but I have some Greek in me and my hair is a bit... SHADDAP. If you have to question it, you're not white. If you have to question if you're really trans you're not trans.they want to have a way to go back if they want to. Which just confirms they aren't entirely sure. It sounds fake to me.
I never said I'm the opposite sex. I never said "I'm a woman". That's always the shitty part of being an OG outlier like me - You're either explaining yourself constantly or are quiet and people constantly get you wrong with putting you in boxes.If you're sure you're the opposite sex, you're willing to look it everywhere (except your prostate, which to this date, doesn't get removed or added).
This is exactly what a straight guy would think of trannies if that straight guy was a tranny. What's interesting, is that I was typing out, "Transsexualism has nothing to do with sexuality" and yet, with the number of frauds out there... it very well just might at this point. That's another tell: If you're transitioning for sexual reasons (i.e. you think you can score more poon as a woman than as a guy) you're not a real tranny.Think about the ridiculous ratio of MtF vs FtM and then think about how most of those MtF overwhelmingly end up still trying to date women. For a lot of those dudes, ESPECIALLY the fucking social drop out chud forever alone types, its a way to try and cuttlefish and bully women into intimacy that in saner times would have gotten an ass beating. For a good long while the lebos played along like good little Alphabet allies, but the broader lesbo community is really starting to hate trannies because (just like their gay white male compatriots) they got shoved to the back of the diversity bus in favor of weirder and more degenerate people. So then the chuds escalate it to stuff like "wax my balls" or "it's ma'am" dude. And the lesbians got branded TERFS for not wanting to play the Crying Game with these misanthropes.
Yes, it's different forms of mental illness but you're in another world with the other shit you just said. We're not in a societal collapse yet. Yet. Right guys?These guys are still mentally ill, but it is more in a predatory socially destructive way, sort of a really twisted Munchausen Syndrome that is taking advantage of our current societal collapse to thrive. And frankly the pose just as great a danger as the "legitimate" trans, just that that danger is exclusively to others.
Blaire White has been doing this for years. I have been doing this for years. Take yourself out of the equation for one second Phaz. This entire thread (about ME and MY life) hasn't been just about me vs. YOU guys ... it's me vs. the radical lefties too.And if you think you are a real trans, you should be going to war with those predators the same way gay men used to purge their ranks of the pedos during the early days of the gay rights movements.
Good. I want the rainbow returned to Noah.If you let them continue with this bullshit, you are going to end up suffering the same fate as every other rainbow flag faction once you are no longer flavor of the month. And when the inevitable backlash comes, you will be lumped with these creatures and pay the price for all the shit they have caused.
Projection is top notch. You're still the guy who cannot and will not erase the FACT that you got decimated by me and combat this by being a triggered gimp and censoring me from posting.Nerds looking for attention turn into trannies, and kill themselves after they see they are still undesireable as friends.
It's decreasing you nimrod.That 40% ratio is going to hit 60% as more of them are pushed into it.
Everything is all about timing though, wouldn't you agree? I was ahead of the curve and that was what it was. I can post the receipts. I see people with more perceptiveness than they see themselves a lot of times. Seeing a lot in Sinndael right now. I dunno.. I feel like I "get" crazy because I actually have empathy due to my own crazy instead of just using it as a punchline.Calling out Tad's transgenderism or especially jasker's schizophrenia is hardly a high bar to clear.
It isn't censorship. No one anywhere can stand you.
I know. I reply to almost *everything* here.I was responding to the other poster, not you Manessa. It is not about either of us.
K we have a truce. We're cool. Still won't stop you from posting lies and me from calling them out. I am a true tranny. Born with GD. My earliest memories were of this odd gender reversal. My mom can confirm and NO... she or dad never ONCE tried to raise me as a girl or had any concept or thought about that kinda stuff. This was late late 70s. That kinda stuff wasn't even a kernel of thought in people's minds outside the mentally ill and degenerates (which they were far from, thank God). I was raised a boy by two very very loving parents. The Dysphoria was manifest early and from within me and me alone. That's how I know all this stuff and am right about *everything*. I merely need to look within. Not saying I'm the progenitor of this shit, of course not... I'm saying that it is a very real, very rare, shared mental illness at birth that others suffer with and somehow it got co-opted by the exact type of people who would've been goth in the 90's.Plus by your own admission you are not anyone's definition of 'true" Trans.
You're not normal. Spoiler alert: no one is. There's shades of normalcy that people possess more of, true, but everyone is weird and THAT is the joy of people. That's the trick of actually NOT being a people hating shitbag: realizing that other's diversity and weirdness is their beauty and strength.Straight in this case is interchangeable for normal and sane.
Yes and what are those exactly?while you may be batshit on several things
We agree here. I'm rational, honest, and sane. Always were. You and many others just took a detour in your view of me. Then again, the world is constantly changing around us too. But I'm still the exact same person as 2016 Nessa was, rest assured.there is a world of difference between what you are and what the average chud chopper is.
We agree here too... how in the everliving f00k my mental illness became someone else's goth rave costume is wild... I shit you not but... here we are in 2021.And I absolutely believe that there are dudes out their gaming it for sex now that they don't have to pull the stem off the apple to play the game.
I was actually surprised your post wasn't littered with made up stories you fever-dreamed about me. Good job! You're getting better I think.It isn't censorship. No one anywhere can stand you.
Come to Denmark,Yeah, a tranny's life is never normal. No one will ever look across the table and say... that's normal, not odd and not weird whatsoever. Whatsoever.
When it's free with a guarantee I won't regret it and I get the best surgeon and best caretakers. I.E. It ain't happening.