This thread is as active as Vanilla Ice’s MySpace page.
Oof... sorry for being late I as I was so rudely interrupted (hah)
Come to Denmark,
. I’ll anaesthetize you for that free chop-job. Danish Girl. Perhaps I’ll even turn off the gas at some point too

The vet will do a bang up job, probably. Funzies.
I trust US healthcare to do a better job with better tech and medicine but I'll admit our healthcare system is fubared. We are still charging privatized health insurance companies $100 for a $10 bag of saline (just shitting out a quick example... no, that's probably not
exactly accurate but you get the point).
I'd like to travel to Europe just for funzies anyway. Culture.
Question: now that you have an innie instead of a dong, will you then date men to fill the litteral void? If not, will you then date women and baton yourself daily manually only as you need to do to keep the abyss? Both? How will you view yourself, gay, straight, monster, alien?
Hypothetical of course since I'm still unsnipped: No. Got a call from a RL friend of a friend days ago and (while it was a drunk text at 2am) he said he was embarrassed that the time he finally spoke to me was when he was hiccupping drunk. Cool guy though; on the right side of history. He just added me because he said he generally agreed with most of my points of views on Facebook but he's never met me. You gotta keep in mind that I grew up with mostly rebellious, counter culture friends here who naturally lean more left/hippyish. Musicians, artists, drama people, some band geeks... the jocks were our "enemies" in high school and drove trucks. So all those jocks
mostly grew up conservative and we
mostly grew up liberalish. Of course NONE of us thought of socio-political things back then but Facebook is sorta like digital high-school with old "friends" mixed with your current RL friends too. I now relate to all the "jocks" now... it's weird.
So I have this guy above saying he just thinks I'm just awesome and then the next day I get these rando texts on my IG:
^ Was a cool chat
Point is... if I was
actually gay, I could have so many hookups but as a Super Straight tranny; life is pretty dry in the bed and that's a good thing after all this time. I'll be single till I die I think because, I'll tell ya Izo, I don't think a straight Christian with a slight "lean" to her sexuality is looking for a genetic dead-end tranny with a big chin, bad hair, bag of fun.
You will deny it eternally, but it is the kids on hormone blocker shit that ended any trust or empathy I may have had for you.
I will say this with 0 ad hominems and vindictiveness. You are part and parcel of the broad lie on this forum perpetuated by MANY individuals due to inherent bias, misunderstanding, poor reading skills, lack of nuance... whatever you choose to say about it. It bothered me in the past and hey... congratulations on being part of the front that perpetuated it, but as I said before.... the troll job is over. The jig is up. I shared the studies that showed that those drugs both worked and were effective to treating a mental illness. The more time has gone on, the more I have been vindicated. You, Hodj, Zyyz, Booze, Foler, Mario... spread that idea here any chance you got and others not as dedicated to keeping up with me back then when the debate was raging just took y'alls word for it.
It's equivalent to this hypothetical scenario:
This entire forum (basically) is pro-life.
I shared studies that pro-choice mothers are happier at their choice.
I then get dragged and labeled as the baby killer.
This entire forum (basically) is anti-vax
I shared the studies that vaxxed patients have a better chance at living
I then get dragged labeled as the vaccine injecting devil.
No one is forcing *anything* on *anyone* here.
What happened in
REALITY, Phaz, is that I shared the studies on puberty blockers. I said when I shared them that I support them due to the papers INDICATING THEY WERE EFFECTIVE but there is more work to be done in diagnosis. You guys selectively edited the narrative to create a strawman "badguy" here to punch. You act like I wrote the papers. You act like I injected drugs in kids themselves. I was merely the person sharing the data you guys had NO idea existed to back up the idea of this and I was the face of that new information you guys hated. I UNDERSTAND IT. I know why you'd be against it. As much as you probably WANT some science to not be true, it is true. Time has vindicated this notion. Share the peer review papers here if you can disprove it.
NO kids should be transitioning. Nor humans ultimately. The best cure is a cure without transition. To nip Gender Dysphoria in the brain with other means than transition/surgery/hormones. That doesn't exist yet. You can't say you're all for kids, but for the kids who are legitimately trans say tough luck... we have the meds here that will help you feel better based on research but armchair doctors on the net are saying "nope" we don't morally think it's right. That's not giving care to all that can be cared for. But it's soooo miniscule anyway. There's help for them. Be humane to everyone.
Or... be a completely whackjob right-wing SJW lunatic and think a team of evil satanic doctors are going to drag your kids to the doctor and inject hormones in them without their choice.
I think we know what the rational side is at this point.
I'll say this one last fucking time: I support puberty blockers as the final resort for an adolescent who has been professionally diagnosed by a TEAM of doctors and psychologists as a true Gender Dysphoric child after
years of symptoms with no outside peer pressure / push from radical parents.
Your religious beliefs get brought up by many, even other christians, because they run at complete odds of your choices. Me as a 20ish angry Atheist? Sure, I would have hammered you and anyone else relentlessly on that. Me at 50 seeing what happens when young shitheads fill the void left by religious need with nihilism and wokeness (I filled the gap with a lot of scientific and philisophical reading, but the world is past the point where people that age group are willing to do that kind of self reflection anymore) understands the concept of the Noble Lie a lot better.
You're looking at all of this as if it's a Noble Lie. To fill a void. But the thing is... it's just flat out
true. God is real. He is amazing.
I do not care what someone's religious beliefs are unless A) they try to apply standards of their belief system to others forcibly or B) they do not practice what they proselytize. This is just another cross you are nailing yourself to for personal affirmation.
Newp. You think just like Sevens does. That having Gender Dysphoria is a sin.
If I Castawayed my life into reality - i.e. lived on a desert island, and was naked, with no meds, no hairspray, nothing but what God gave me... I'd still be a biological male with Gender Dysphoria. <--- This is EXACTLY what I am now.
All my disdain for you can be mostly summed up in the statement "stay away from other people's kids" and I know I am far from alone in this regard. I needled you about that couch surfer mostly because I could perceive the desperation that led to that situation, her's and yours.
This is more of your strawman bullshit. I forgive you for it though. Because all your disdain for me is mostly summed up with a problem in
your own head. I'm not interested in kids dude LoL... on any level. If you just want to be a troll and say
Yes HUH! You ARE! then you're just a piece of shit. I don't think you're truly that bad and retarded though. Learn the facts of things instead of flying with these narratives that aren't in line with reality. No one is fucking with other people's kids you weirdo.
This is nihilistic bullshit and you know it.
Atheists worldview is nihilistic, not mine. My worldview is full of redemption and grace... it is... awesome.
The average normal person does not post pictures of their junk on the internet, let alone a self ascribed Christian.
I also used to wear diapers. The past is the past.
The average person does not crave attention on the level your vanity propels you to do.
Got me there... my ego IS substantial. Pity.
The average normal person does not have to ingest chemicals to mold themselves into their self perception.
Actually, I'm pretty sure 2/3 of people use prescription drugs via their doctors to feel normal.
I, as a white guy fatty, can pretty much go anywhere in the country (outside of some dangerous ethnic neighborhoods) and fit right in if I want without any issue or preparation. I could likely do so abroad in Europe or many parts of South America as well. Most of us on the forum have that "white privilage" if you want to call it that. You are always going to have anxiety of being found out or how people will react in certain situations.
There is no
white privilege you right-wing SJW you. There are people out there in the world making choices. Some good, some bad. Make the good ones.
Saying no one is normal is leftist snowflake shit
No one IS normal. It's called reality; not a political slant. Thinking your completely normal is a bit of a hint you're not normal. Because no one is. Not a single person.