I guess this means you’ll be inserting more words in the FoH DB?
Well no, I didn't know that AT THE TIME that that was going to be a thing.So choosing to get the hormones is knowingly reducing your sex drive
No Cukernaut... again, you are viewing transsexualism through the lens of sex instead of through the lens of gender. And don't misunderstand me... I'm not on board with the loony radicals who are going around saying there's all these variants of male/female like there are of they/thems/xhir/zots that has even been mainstreamed by these "musicians" like Sam Smith and Demi Lovato... my God. She was so bae at one point. I think Cool For The Summer Demi was peak Lovato that I was loving aloto if you get my meaning LoL. See below... great stuff.which is essentially opting out of the pursuit and male sexual market. At best you have willingly MGTOW or become asexual (intentionally).
Yup! I still love sex it's just more focused and lovebased if that makes any sense. I'll try to be very terse.Or would you say you had no idea you would lose all your sex drive and this was done in ignorance and you are now living holding the bag with that?
Hard to say how my life would have panned out if I just rejected the ENTIRE life and struggled to live as an untransitioned transsexual. Interesting proposition... probably a lot of misery that way mentally.YET -- to my original question of choices you still say you have no regrets (but again perhaps thats the hormones talking).
If I were less pious, I'd be inserting more nudes instead of words which would garner more interest... both positive and negative.. I can't stress enough how much I've been "looking up to the heavens" lately and seeing how all of this works in such amazing ways for how to live a better, happier life. The Bible truly is the great manual / FAQ / Starter's Guide / to being a good human being.I guess this means you’ll be inserting more words in the FoH DB?
Hiya progressive Christian! How are you!?Odds are good. Lots of words.
This is dependent upon where you put the goal posts.I thought you are an un transitioned transexual.
My biggest take away from this post is Blair White is a White Supremacists.This is dependent upon where you put the goal posts.
Blaire White is my better half (we're so similar it's scary actually) and I've said this many times here. I was Blaire White before Blaire White was Blaire White... meaning I transitioned before her, had all these views and stuff but she was the one that was younger, prettier, more social media savvy and hey... more power to her. Love her success. 0 jealousy here because everything she stands for and speaks about I'm generally right there hip to hip ideologically with her with small subtle variances (belief in God is the big one). Like, I'd endorse her to the ends of the earth. All these nutters that are saying Blaire White is problematic to the faux trans community is basically saying that about me and certainly via social media and how many places I've been banned for stating truths that we're saying about all this stuff, yeah..... she's my better half.
Point is... even SHE is an untransitioned transsexual by your standards. Living in society as a woman is the transition Cuker, not the parts. That's the part that is the real transition.
It's all working in tandem yes, but the genitals are the things that, in society, even with natural males and females, are "protected", "covered" and and not focused on except in intimate contexts. Genitals are not what defines Male and Female in society, obviously.
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Blaire is cool as shit. That's all I know, and I'm just like her... the way we talk, attitude, everything. Seriously it's odd. She's just waaaay prettier and palatable and that's okay.
Been there, done that. Frankly, no one is playing baseball anymore. If anything I'm sitting on the bench, eating a burrito and thinking about the next inning. heh.So you’re not a pitcher any more. How long til you’re a receiver?
You know Oblio, if I didn't know any better, it's almost as if the implication here is that you're calling me a White Supremacist by proxy and I do not appreciate that sir!My biggest take away from this post is Blair White is a White Supremacists.
Bah. I think you guys think I'm serious more than I really am. I shitpost more often than not too. When I get into PMs and start cursing, maybe I'm getting serious. Anyway...Well, as per the usual you don't know any better.
I know.I was making a joke about the OK hand sign in that picture being a white power reference. You are giving me too much credit.
You clicked more bc of the mouth to ass avatar gif? Score for V.Vanessa's new icon is making it easier to ignore these threads. Haven't stumbled this way in months. Thanks.
You know that feeling when you go by someone at the bar and you have to put your hands up and say "Don't get the wrong idea dude, I was just looking for the bathroom." What I'm saying is... In a crowd, sometimes you click in the wrong spot.You clicked more bc of the mouth to ass avatar gif? Score for V.
Careful, you might trip and screw a tranny in the parkinglot. There is FoH precedent.You know that feeling when you go by someone at the bar and you have to put your hands up and say "Don't get the wrong idea dude, I was just looking for the bathroom." What I'm saying is... In a crowd, sometimes you click in the wrong spot.