There's a lot of anger, righteous indignation, and some possible loose associations with the truth in this thread, but I don't see a whole lot of love.
Nobody asked me to chime in, but I've had an interesting series of events lately leading to a crystallization of my own princilpes, and this helps me see if I can articulate them.
There are 3 camps with regards to Vanessa :
1. Vanessa - who must aggressively defend any accusation, attack, or slander. Also who volunteers a glimpse into a chaotic life (or life energy at least). The combination invites trolling and ridicule.
2. The exterminator: whether for the lulz, or because one truly hates Vanessa because he represents something one can't find the grace to abide, this batch fights to the death, stabbing as deeply as possible ("i hate you", "41%'er," etc.) regardless of motive, this is just as twisted, morally, as what you think you're attacking.
3. The Audience: those who sit and watch for entertainment. Whether the sit-com type or the train-wreck type. Yet none of these promotes truth or kindness (or anything really).
This is an example of something much larger and also of something more abstract. But not in this thread.
Regardless, that was more for me than you guys. For me, being a spectator to this feels gross. I'm also not asking you to care what I think. Carry on