I clicked your onlyfan, now click mine - link-69.
Mine was 12", I doubt you can match that.
- 1
I clicked your onlyfan, now click mine - link-69.
That's just another one of his daydreams. There was no luring of a woman. I mean...we've all seen the real pictures of Manessa, and he looks like a fat, worn out old male with too much makeup...which is what he always looked like. He's as passable as a woman as a pile of dog shit.Well like our dearVanessa did...He used his disguise to lure a woman and her child into his house to live with him, until she learned the truth and bugged the fuck out of there. Pretty sure dear ol' Vanessa probably already did a little diddling. You know since all trannys are pedophiles.
Could you elaborate on how much one would be blown away sub'ing to your onlyfan?Since this is the perv thread, if anyone wants to subscribe to a 12" onlyfans, lmk.
You're comparing a replicating, malignant, devouring biological mass to the worship of the Lord, Izo.Vanessa Can only cancer patients know what it's like to have cancer? Are cancer patients incapable of relaying the feelings of cancer, communicate with others - are they somehow not able to have their cancer scrutinized, examined? Do cancer patients themselves only understand their own paraclinical evidence? Would others have to have cancer themselves to understand the words spoken? Would a physician need to have cancer to have intricate knowledge of cancer, how to diagnose or treat it?
Replace cancer patient with christian, and cancer with christianity.
LoL!!! Well done Chris. It's only 25 years old, but you did it. This is 100% a peer reviewed research article (like I like) that clearly states that Gender Dysphoria is a Major Psychiatric Diagnosis.I spent 3 seconds on google
Comorbidity of Gender Dysphoria and Other Major Psychiatric Diagnoses - Archives of Sexual Behavior
Previous studies suggest that many transsexuals evidence an Axis I diagnosis according to the DSM-IV classification (e.g., psychoses, major affective disorder). The current study examined retrospectively the comorbidity between gender dysphoria and major psychopathology, evaluating the charts of...link.springer.com
It's funny Dick... he accidentally did but has no clue he did.So your intent was to support Vanessa's argument, right?
At this point, I just post. I'm as big an attention whore as you, frankly.Yeah its been pretty obvious from the onset that Manessa's main issue is vanity, hence all the attention whoring.
I'm not a victim and I'm not a snowflake. (I am special though)Every tranny I have known has been like that, playing some variation on the victim special snowflake theme.
Some are. They are the minority though.Trannies are just gay guys pretending to be women.
Most do, not all.The problem that they really really believe they are women
Demand is a heavy word. Maybe certain loud activists do.and demand the same societal treatment as women.
Nope. Correct, Lenindoritos.But they aren't women
I guess you mean gay guys... again, some are... they are the minority though.they are just guy guys who like to dress as women to attract men.
Straight people with a mental illness are just the WORST amirite???And if you are a tranny who likes fucks women.. then you are are the worse, you want to continue to fuck women, while dressing like a women, pretending and expecting to be treated like a woman.. but you are a man.
This is a lie. Period.Well like our dearVanessa did...He used his disguise to lure a woman and her child into his house to live with him
Mental retardation at its finest.You know since all trannys are pedophiles.
Come on, Steve. Thats easy. She was more desperate than you are.If I don't pass as a woman...
...how did I lure a woman and her child into my house to live with me?
He used his disguise to lure a woman and her child into his house to live with him
until she learned the truth and bugged the fuck out of there.
Make it make sense tubs.She was more desperate than you are.
Your desperation to try and paint me a certain way which is making you blind to the obvious truth that you're just an irrational individual who gets regularly owned?Desperation makes people blind to the obvious. Let that sink in for a bit.
Yes. In the sense the belief, history, architecture, demography, scripture, organisation and systems, and its believers can be studied, dissected, evaluated, compared, reasoned and sometimes dismissed, and - case in point - thoroughly ridiculed when appropriate. One does not need to be a christian to understand christianity or know what it's like to be a christian.The sensation of community, inspiration, bliss or belonging is not unique to worship of a deity. Labeling oneself a christian does not make one a lifelong scholar on christianity either. It's super ignorant to claim the opposite, case in point time and time again. Have a nice weekend, V.You're comparing a replicating, malignant, devouring biological mass to the worship of the Lord, Izo.
Been tons of research done on us to "figure us out", yes. Tons. Peer reviewed research papers by the dozens, if not in the hundreds. But I don't expect an ignorant to know that.LOLOLOLOLOL the "science" of trannies.
By this same logic, the process of driving cars isn't scientific/real.Yeah, ALL those species we've observed ripping off their genitals and then pretending they're the opposite sex.
There is 0 evidence of a biological nature for homosexuality. Nothing in the DNA. No "gay" gene, sorry jabroni. So where is it in nature?Homosexuality is something actually observable in nature.
I agree with this. My degeneracy is made up. By you. You cannot tell me one thing that makes me degenerate because I'm not. I'm actually a pretty talented, cool cat, but your ignorance is what it is... and that's okay. I'm just telling you what's what.Your degeneracy is made up
You're now just as retarded as Fucker and Sevens. Well done. Bottom of the barrel.who wants to diddle children.
I did. They prescribed me the meds I'm on now. Thanks for the tip though, you clearly intelligent person you!Get help, not titties faggot.
You're weird because I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not... I assume this is sarcasm, but at the same time...Vanessa it's actually really offensive to use the term "Transexualism", quit the very real violence against Trans people.
You just got lumped in with the others, sorry.Since you're so incredibly literal and pedantic, please explain how you "destroyed" me.
Almost. Seriously... almost. I actually had to look up your post because I cared so little about this. I'm not even trying to roast you or anything... you are, to be honest, completely neutral in my world as far as how I feel about you. I don't think you've come for me, but you've never defended me either. You know, you're just... there to me. That's not a bad thing at all.Everything I said was 100% the truth
Lots of people care to try and prove me wrong. This thread is evidence of that. You're not a regular though, so you don't see it, and again... that's okay. You're (I think) more normal than most of the radicals here but I don't keep tabs on every. single. person. heh~And since no one can (more like cares to) post a peer reviewed study with the words
No, your post was absolutely full of snark, which I didn't appreciate. Do I hate you for it? Not at all. I get shit here all the time. All the time. There's a huge difference between you, Void, and, say,I even "supported" your argument
I don't care to impress anyone here. Not a soul. You were just a snarky post that I replied to in a chunk. Again, I didn't think of it again and (ultimately) have 0 qualms with you Void. You've never tipped me off that you're a batshit radical, so I don't mind you at all. You DID [like] Fucker's post right below though, so... I'd say you're slightly gullible to complete mistruths, but this is the nature of this forum and me: the strangest slander I've ever read about me. I'm not saying I'm famous, but I know *exactly* what it feels like when celebrities read a national inquirer headline about them and it's like... wtf??? Again, just see below. I've highlighted what's actually true... it's stunning how batshit crazy this guy is concerning me:Just throwing names into a list because it looks more impressive with more names?
Keep in mind you are trying to reason with a guy who has no education beyond a GED, is 42 years old and works at a low end manual labor job because that's all he can get...and he frequently gets fired from those jobs, too.
When he isn't at work, he is at home getting drunk and harassing/stalking random people on Facebook and then complaining because he is always getting banned from that platform. It is an easy bet that he has been permabanned from most other social networks.
He hasn't been banned from here because he is kept around for the random lols we will have when we find out he has Jerled himself. Judging by the rapid and steep escalation of his already bad mental instability, that day is pretty close.
They brought it up. They literally asked heh. I don't usually just go around telling people "hai guys I'm smuurt!" See?I really got no dog in the fight, but typically if you have to tell people you’re smart…you’re not that smart.
Are all trans this stupid? Has research been done on their average IQ?
Your denial of reality just to try and hurt my feefees (free hint: doesn't work) is amusing though.He hasn't "transitioned" to shit, except an uglier male with tits.
You truly are an NPC aren't you?His fucked up pedo brain can deny it all he wants
...the never-ending "I never said I wasn't" reply to these dunces LoL.but nature knows he's a man.
You just posted a "chart" with Blaire White on the side of the "unintelligents" and usually "prostitutes" while 3 of the 4 sources of their "science" is YouTube and Wiki.View attachment 394115
I think someone posted this somewhere here yesterday but have we established which on3 Vanessa is? Seemes like HSTS but I don't k ow enough.
What's your sexuality Vanessa?
Answer the question. You banging men or women or none?You just posted a "chart" with Blaire White on the side of the "unintelligents" and usually "prostitutes" while 3 of the 4 sources of their "science" is YouTube and Wiki.
Let those facts marinate.