You said it wasn't a serious disorder. Rational people would consider a mental defect that makes a male add tits to himself as very serious. The only thing you wrecked is yourself.
Hey look... another post lacking any peer reviewed research.
Get wrecked.
Transgenderism is also a serious mental illness
Same challenge to wormie. Please link peer reviewed research or literature classifying Gender Dysphoria as a serious mental illness.
I'll be waiting...
To think you went through all that just to become an uglier looking man.
Please post my before pics. Go.
Woops! It's almost like you have 0 clue what you're talking about.
Are all trans this stupid?
I've composed a symphony. Just curious... what have you done?
Also, I wasn't aware that literally owning each and every one of you on this topic was tantamount to stupidity.
Has research been done on their average IQ? I think we might have the culprit here for this whole "trans" movement.
Yes... we are generally more intelligent than average.
"In 3 out of 4 pathological groups the IQ was higher than 110 in more than 60% of subjects; in the group of male transsexuals 50% of subjects exhibited an IQ above the average. ...[blah blah blah]have a tendency to increase the mental level of these subjects."
Funny how all you clowns have are your feefees but I have actual research. ...clown world indeed.
Pointless goalpost in a world where those people happily endorse the clown car of bullshit we deal with today.
I'm glad that medical research and science is a "pointless goalpost" to you. I guess the world should just listen to ignorant-of-the-topic armchair scientists instead of real doctors. Again... clown world indeed.
Suffice it to say thinking the treatment for believing you are the opposite gender
I don't believe I'm a woman. I have literally in the 5+ years I've been posting here semi-regularly have never said this. Not once. Your entire argument against me, much like many others, is just as clown-town as what y'all feel having Gender Dysphoria is in the first place.
You said it wasn't a mental illness and then directly compared it to a mental illness
Quote me when I said it wasn't a mental illness. Fake news.
So are you a liar, or just have bad grammar...You know like you "owned" me for in your thread
You're retarded and yes, I have owned you countless times in my thread just like
Not a murder. A pedophile, yes...much worse than a murderer.
...and this is why you're a retard. Literally just as retarded as
It's a mental illness, just not a SERIOUS one guys!
Correct, this is precisely what I said.
we just got owned motherfuckers!
Correct... and yes, concerning this topic, I'm damn good at it.
would surely disapprove.
Yes, very much. I've said before the problem with trannies isn't "just" being a tranny... it's that the community falls under the horrible far left ideology and this article is precisely what I'm talking about.
All trannies need to be noosed.
Come to Richmond and try, psycho.
The irony is, being a tranny or having gender dysphoria itself isn't a particularly serious mental illness, I would agree.
Ahhh, good... a modicum of rationality here. I know you're not defending ME, just the idea, but thanks Cad.
Who gives a shit if some dude bolts on tits, chops his dick off, or whatever. I don't.
That's because you're not a raging, triggered, insane bigot who literally wishes genocide upon millions of people.
The part that is wrong, and the part that is always wrong, regardless of the ideology, is trying to push this agenda on kids who don't know one way or the other what they are or what anything means.
100%. The true transgender kids who have Gender Dysphoria will figure this out on their own... not due to the world doing this job for them. If a parent/parent(s) push this on their child, they deserve the death penalty... straight up.