/checks watch... time for Maul to go into vast conspiracy theories about radical leftism affecting literally every institution in society.
made up phobias to appease mentally unstable individuals use an entirely different metric in order to force others to comply with their delusion.
...aaaaaand right on cue.
Seriously Maul, correct me if I'm wrong: you legitimately think every person who is in charge of dictionaries are left-wing radicals that are trying to rewrite history in order to appease 0.3% or so of the human populace??? This is your stance?
But yeah, the contradicting dictionary is only correct in the instance that supports your lunacy.
There's no lunacy here outside of a base, fundamental Gender Dysphoria diagnosis. I have asked time and time again: What then, have I said that is radical, crazy or fringe that indicates someone operating on some level of lunacy? It's always the same thing: crickets.
I appreciate the irony of a handful of people wanting someone s
o badly to be one thing, but it's just not the way it is.... and that person just happens to be a tranny which one could say they too want themselves to be one thing, but it's just not the way it is hahaha.
The reverse-UNO that's going on here is that YOU guys have the strange mental illness of wanting me to so badly be this [thing] you've created in your head about what trannies are, think and do, and yet I'm literally the opposite of that, but you want me to be [that thing] because many of you are incapable of seeing a transgender person as anything BUT a radical leftist crazy person with blue hair. It's JUST like how they see you guys as Nazis. Both views are radical and ridiculous.
I bet you honestly believe you're not liked here because posters are "transphobic"
As usual, you're wrong. You're literally always wrong... at least the times I've interacted with you.
A handful of posters are genuinely transphobic, yes. The GG/SJW thread is proof of that. You're honestly going to pretend that that's just shitposting in there? Holy shit.
but nobody here has an irrational fear of you because of your body choices
I never said they did. This is more of that strawman you and your ilk constantly put up of me.
you're not liked because of your foul personality and inflated sense of importance.
I am like very many others in this world... liked by many, loved by some, disliked by many, hated by some.
Nobody thinks you're "owning" anyone with any of your replys
Yeah, they do. I have PMs you know. I do own you guys. It's just your cognitive dissonance in action and that's what's funny, and what amuses me.
you're really not half as smart as you think you are
No actually, I really am. I have a high IQ. Been tested.
I get you feel you have to defend yourself
I defend the truth. There is no truth with the type of people like you who stroll in here and start your bullshit with me LoL. Trust me, I enjoy it.
Gender Dysphoria isn't a life choice.
but only somebody who was deeply unhappy with themselves would feel the need to constantly justify anything to anybody online.
I'm very happy. If you want to think I'm unhappy because I see notifications, click on them, then destroy people's irrationality that they put out there, then.. LoL!
That's literally all I do. If there's nothing going on on that front, with people getting all triggered and rustled over the stuff I say (
which is often), then I'm usually posting about things happening in the world or entertainment etc. So yes, all that is literally FUN for me, because the type of people like you to call me a lunatic, a pedophile, a drunk, (not all things
you've said but all the hatertots) are always a certain type of person, and that person generally is going straight to Hell. In other words, it's all a you problem, not a me problem. I assure you, we will not be together in the end, and therefore, I don't care and am perfectly happy keeping that exact same separation here in the afterlife.
If you've noticed, I haven't spent much time in the Maul, Sevens, Fucker threads trying to get 'y'alls' attention, now, have I? LoL~
Calling posts godless atheists as insults is also extremely strange
Calling people what they are is an insult? Interesting logic.
You are an atheist are you not? Atheists are Godless. That's like you calling me a God-loving Christian if you cared to. Why would that be insulting to me? I am.
it says more about you than those you are judging (isnt that in your book)
Judge not, lest ye yourself be judged is, and yes, I will be judged... for everything I have ever done; and so will you and everyone else. You honestly don't know what happens in the afterlife, according to scripture, do you?
you're about as dishonest as they come around here
Love when atheists say this. It's the most
"Hi everyone, I have no self-awareness at all AND I project pretty hard" thing ever calling a Christian a liar.
Using faith as a weapon to belittle and insult, well, that says everything about you that anyone would really need or even want to know.
You're confusing faith with truth, retard.
See what I mean when I call you a retard? It's because you're retarded.
Let's repeat: I called you a Godless atheist. That's what you are. Where is the insult, Godless atheist?
I'll lay this out like this so you can understand why I am the way I am: If you *ever* changed and became a Christian, you would understand God, the Bible, me and everything I've ever said to you here like you've never seen before. You would say to me,
damn Vanessa, I WAS a retard for thinking God was fake news etc etc etc.
It's statements like this as to why I understand why people don't like me. I'm "mean" about things. I get it. But sometimes reality and the truth is mean, isn't it?
I didn't watch this, sorry. You said a lot.... unsure why you can't put whatever that video is saying into your own words yourself.