See, it's egotistical moments like this that makes you insufferable sometimes.
Oh no... Vanessa has an ego! The horror.
Has nothing to do with you being trans, conservative, Christian, etc.
It actually does because I wouldn't be so brazenly combative I think to most posters if people didn't get triggered over the tranny Christian thing
This forum is as atheist as lefty forums and platforms (although true Conservatives are mostly Christian... funny that, but we all know the only people left here were people who were formally as blue as smurfs during the Obama years), and this place is as anti-trans as... I don't know what. I have never seen as much tranny hate as I have in the GG/SJW forum. You can't pretend that people here DON'T dislike me
because I'm a tranny whilst simultaneously pretending that thread simply does NOT exist. That thread has dick-all to do with me. It's just pure bigotry running rampant there. The times I've gotten "in trouble" the most is when I pushed back on the psycho shit I've read in that thread. ...and I learned my lesson to stay as far away from that thread even though I ENJOY pushing in people's illogical shit, my goal isn't to get banned just to fight a fight that no amount of evidence will change these radical's minds. They are just as bad as the radical lefties who will think what they think no matter HOW much evidence is thrown in their face... in other words: NPC like. It's actually the only thing I've seen that is utterly broken with this forum... the tranny thing. I agree with 95% of everything else everyone says generally, but on the tranny debate? They are completely illogical and deny the evidence so vehemently and staunchly that it's actually pathetic. Trannies break the right, but left-wing people don't. <-- Read that again. It's just that 98% of the time, the trannies ARE left-wing so they end up looking utterly batshit. Just like blacks... behavior, ideology, and character > immutable traits. Trannies aren't the problem, it's 98% of them with batshit thoughts and beliefs and behaviors.
Conservative though? This is a somewhat conservative forum Dick.
Far-right forum, really, though I always hesitate calling it alt-right. What is alt-right anymore??? Kinda died when Spencer's public image got wrecked and ruined. What it's most definitely NOT is a tranny forum. What it's most definitely NOT is a Christian forum. If I was *just* conservative/far-right I wouldn't get anywhere NEAR the amount of dislike here. As it stands, I get it endlessly. You can't pretend it's just due to ego and not due to my other unique... status traits. I think moderates wouldn't hate me as much if I were JUST trans but atheist. Or JUST Christian but not trans.
But ya... my uniqueness is what drives bastards crazy. It turns people's brains into pretzels and it also *always* sucks to be called out and destroyed by what you generally dislike the most. I'm 100% proud of who I am because... I'm right on every issue. Disagree? Debate me live (not you Dick... I'm talking broadly and generally... to anyone). No one has and no one will because deep down everyone who knows me knows I'm right; about everything. They'll just never admit it (sans PMs).
Ego? Yup. Always. I'm absolutely an awesome individual.
It's just false.
You didn't slay hodj.
God I love reality.
Trump and Lithose did. In that epic final thread meltdown, it was Lithose doing the work and you occasionally popped in as hodj went through multiple heart attacks.
Well I wasn't as prolific as Lithose on the political front but I definitely did heavy lifting by piercing him at his most vulnerable parts. Zyyz chimed in... hell, Hodj stated that him and I were BUDDIES (how batshit is that) because he was getting double-teamed by us when Lithose wasn't destroying him logically over Trump.
All the others did was go after his TDS. I ruined him on a psychological basis.
Maybe there's at least *some* claim here because of his initial obsession with you, but the end did not really involve you in a substantial way.
But you definitely didn't slay Foler.
LoL I know I know... what blows my mind is that when I shitpost and troll, people take it like it's gospel. Maybe it's my
"I don't lie" status as a Christian (which is true) so some people think ANYTHING I say is devoid of sarcasm, hyperbole, tongue-in-cheekness, or trollish good humor... which is a false way of looking at me. I know sarcasm is lost in text, but... I dunno, I always assume people can discern when I'm kinda just goofing around and when I'm saying something totally serious.
Honestly, RL friends have said sometimes it's difficult to detect my sarcasm, and those are people who know me personally for more than half my life so... guess it's to be expected.
I didn't "slay" Foler, no, but I find it funny he got rickshawed shortly after I pushed so hard to get him banned. THAT'S what I was running with there. I SHITPOST TOO, good lordy~
No valor in dealing with Hodj/Foler types. Everyone loses.
Anyways figure I’ll just pull an
@Araysar and rage quit. PEACE.
The funny thing is, this "rage quit" is bullshit too.
His entire life is bullshit.
...and now he's back, sperging. Good stuff.