doughy, old, and alpha (right?)
Guilty as charged!
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doughy, old, and alpha (right?)
...especially considering everyone here is doughy, old, and alpha (right?)
I resent you not being more accepting of doughy , old, and alpha as a lifestyle choice... (mildly triggered)
Is doughy supposed to imply fat? If so, you must've not seen my pics.
HRT really thins out body-hair. I think a lot depends on your starting point. If you're a veritable wookie, you'll still get thinner hair just due to removing testosterone from your body but the residual stuff may be thicker than a cis-woman. I personally went through several full body laser sessions so I'm not the most "natural" outcome, so... while I'd like to think most trannies don't have to shave their ass, chest, arms etc, idk for sure.
Is lasering expensive as fuck? Girl at work said it was $10k for her waist down. Never looked into it, but it would be funny if she was full of shit.
She's either full of shit or got taken to the cleaners big time. 10 sessions would be plenty for almost permanent hair removal, so you figure 1k per session? No way.
Why did I click that...
My eyes require Bleach and Steel Wool to scrub that image of the swamp creature out of my eyes
Quick question, is it wrong to edit that image into the compilation videos on Pornhub, etc?
7th inning stretch
ftfyProbably takes solace knowing more guys want her (Vanessa), knowing she used to be a man, than Shelly, who's always been a mutant.
Is lasering expensive as fuck? Girl at work said it was $10k for her waist down. Never looked into it, but it would be funny if she was full of shit.