I tried m'lady, thou looks XX. Mmm, mmm. Interesting. Do you think phenotype trumps genotype? Did you do the HRT to be more passable or fit your sense of gender alone? In between, maybe? Is your soul male or female? Do you think it's possible to pray away the gay? How do you feel about the lower risk of brc in you as XY vs XX?
These are good questions, even if the source is a bit odd heh (just putting that on the table [btw I
did relish Hans Landa in that movie though...amazing character])
I'd request more specificity in the first question, partly because I had to google those words and also partly because I'm unsure of the question itself... are you asking if I think our experiences through life are more determinate of what shapes us as individuals over biological genetics? If that's a bingo (get it?), I think we're products of both.
Both. HRT eased my dysphoria, so that's strictly for me and certainly primary of why I take my meds on a daily, but being passable is extremely important too and I knew that right out of the gate. We live in society (which is good), not Norrath. I have to go to the store to get my milk and cookies myself. Being passable benefits both of us. If I pass, I don't have to have that awful dialogue in my head if I'm being judged as a pervy misfit by you, and you don't have to cringe on the inside or explain to your kids what "that" is and why. I don't understand the mentality of "I don't pass, but that's not my problem, that's society's problem to deal with" that I've seen a bunch from various SJWesque trannies. No amigo, it IS your problem... you're making people uncomfortable. They weep on the inside seeing you. It's no different than a fat girl wearing spandex at Wal-Mart... you have the right to do that, but don't get rustled when people are staring at you. Stop trying to change society to facilitate YOU (e.g. pronoun buttons... what the actual fuck???) and start changing YOU to get along better in this beautiful world called
reality. I know I sound like I hate unpassables and am mean to them, but that's not the case. I
truly empathize with them and their plight... I just hate their fucking attitudes about being unpassable. It just seems like most of them are dropping their own shit and burdens on the world instead of looking at themselves and figuring out how to make it work better for them.
My soul is female.
I believe prayer is powerful, but I don't believe God is a wish machine that you just toss prayers into and receive tiny little perfect outcomes at your behest. I think people can and do pray to God for help with homosexuality IF it is a detriment in their lives and I believe He can fundamentally change their lives for the better, yep! Believing He can vs assuming that anyone, anywhere, with any level of faith can just pray to God and get their way are poles apart, however. Prayer is another complex thing (I realize many of you will just retort with -> No it's simple: It's bullshit. Hint: I'm okay with that)
I don't know what brc is... Google didn't help either