Mr. Poopybutthole
nice looking but short (like 5'5 rofl).
I'm with a_skeleton_02, this thread is dead to me!
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nice looking but short (like 5'5 rofl).
Vanessa do you ever get shit from non-passable trans? You've talked before about how shit is harder for non-passable people who don't make the effort. I have no concept of how much of a community trans people are, so I don't even know if you encounter more non-passable trans people than I do.
RE: Passing or "clocking" guess, looking at the bass playing vids (solid skills, btw), if I did not know you were a tranny the two biggest tells would be your arms (similar issue for Golliath, but you conceal it better) and your head posture to a certain extent. Both are more obvious when you were playing bass and basically undetectable, unless looking for it in the you bullshitting around video. Some of that is probably inevitable, as I think you probably learned to play bass prior to starting transitioning, so your posture is frankly going to be more masculine when doing something you learned as a man (that's when the recessed dude chin thing kind of jumped out), but when you are just being social you have the mannerisms down. Most importantly, your facial ticks definitely read as feminine, your voice is undetectable as male, and your body language reads feminine. Again, having been a music student and known almost a dozen trannies in my life time (8 IRL personally), my gaydar is probably better than most, but when you are not doing "male" things, you are pretty damn undetectable. I think your eyes are were you locked out, really, since the jaw size to eye ratio still looks feminine (which is where Goliath falls short imo). So I guess if you are wanting to fly under the radar, avoid doing high concentration shit (like shredding YES on the bass) around people and maybe keep the shoulders down a bit. You are without a doubt the most passable tranny I have ever encountered and the most passable of anyone I have ever heard of that did it as late in life as you did.
On the other hand, the whole "I'm not gay but I am going to go tranny and sleep with women" think is like literally 90% of more of MtF that I have known or even heard of. I mean, you are passable and banged chicks prior (if I recall correctly), so you are not as bad as some of the unfuckable monsters that prey on unlovable bulldykes who barely register as human, but it does seem to be a thing that most trannies end up shacking up with random lesbians than actually having sex with men as a woman, at least in preference. Of the dozen, I am sure one dude was just a gay drag queen (deep voice, was in a LTR with our beta gay male nerf friend) and the other only slept with their FtM transition support group buddy to try it out. Rest all went for gay women, which frankly reeks of desperation, though I am guessing you pull down better looking carpet munchers than most. You handing on to your dong all this time and having zero interest in men kind of reinforces that general perception. I am curious to here your take on that and how it relates to your views on transgenderism being a mental disorder.
Again, not slamming here, though I have gotten less "T" tolerant recently due to political bullshit. What you do is your business, but it would help your "cause" as it were if there were more well adjusted realistic Ts than the public face the group has at present. I also think a lot of people who think they pass (and may well have before the cause got elevated in the public arena in the last two years) are mistaking libertarian minded people who are just being nice to them as not "clocking" them. On the other hand, the more monstrosities that insist on tossing themselves on the LGFTXYZPDQ bandwagon the easier it probably is for the better looking/more well mentally adjusted ones to fly under the gaydar.
Lastly, "make the effort" is certainly what many would think would be an obvious and intuitive thing to do if you're a tranny... to really put in the effort of trying to look your sexy best day in and day out but keep in mind there are MANY cis-women who flat out don't know how to do makeup. Think about it; if you've never been shown and gotten on fine for most of your life without it, how do you even start? What do you buy? What does all that shit do? How do you apply said shit with what brushes, sponges or applicators? Just makeup alone is a real skill and most men like you never give it a single thought (which is normal LoL). How about pampering your body? I've had laser and epilate, but here again, even a lot of cis women aren't aware of that option and shave, which can leave bumps. How much worse shape is an uneducated, ignorant or just plain lazy tranny in when it comes to dealing with that stuff. The list is long for things trannies have to do, and what bugs me... what gives me a certain degree of guilt is the money for surgeries. This stuff wasn't free nor cheap. With that said, I didn't have a sugar-daddy so... while I may feel guilty that other trannies don't have the luxuries I was capable of, it's not privilege either... I got through this by working, getting promotions, and saving... I earned it fair and square dammit!
huh. I'm surprised it's that high, but I don't doubt you.On the other hand, the whole "I'm not gay but I am going to go tranny and sleep with women" think is like literally 90% of more of MtF that I have known or even heard of.
Thread is getting meh; time to add zest; you guys can make fun of my passability IRL vs. pics and my music skeelz, I don't care
Multilayered but I never identified as gay when I was young, growing up, or as an adult. If I was closeted, I sure as shit would lose nothing by coming out now, and have nothing to gain by lying about it now too. I think a lot of people still relate trans to sexuality which isn't the "why" of it. But no, I was never gay. It's funny because as I started to transition and slowly felt "more free" and "more genuine"; i.e. my real, feminine self kinda bubbling up through 34 years of forced masculinity is how I can describe it... when that started happening people for the first time in my life thought I was gay. My mannerisms started to unconsciously shift and whilst I didn't feel gay or like I was acting gay at all, people were making it known to me. But it makes perfect sense because effeminate gays are basically like women in dude bodies; only they don't have gender dysphoria so they're just... gay dudes. This is exactly what someone a bunch of pages ago asked me... why not just be a gay fag instead of going through this. Exactly, I agree. The answer is just the same as me asking YOU why don't you just be a gay fag instead of being a straight dude. Same answer.. it's that simple.
But back to dudes. So as I transitioned, my sexuality shifted. I never stopped being attracted to women, but as my body started developing, so did my life and my mind. It wasn't just men in general I was attracted to, but certain Alphas and guys with specific looks / bodies. I'd say only the rare 2% of guys I'd see out there in the world would I say, "I'd get with him". So I had fun with a handful... all guys who girls would be jealous of me to be with. All of them straight but curious or leaning in their own way... probably the exact way Blair White's boyfriend would be described.
So what changed? Few things. I think dicks are smelly. Seriously. I know how my own dick used to smell. Y'all smell like testosterone; literally, and ultimately I'm not attracted to that. Secondly, I think in a relationship I'm still most happy and comfortable being in the "male" role instead of being the "female", and a male-female relationship has that kinda built-in understanding so fundamentally that it's not even talked about. It's hard to describe but I think y'all get it. That's not to say I didn't enjoy a man's strong touch on my body or enjoy kinda the feeling of knowing I'd be "protected" in a situation, it just means that I prefer that role myself. Thirdly, certain physical aspects of dudes are just soft dealbreakers. A stubbly beard rubbing on my face is repulsive feeling while kissing. I find men aren't good kissers. And the thought of topping a guy is gross.
It sucks because I'd be so much less lonely if I was into guys... I'd have a lot more options (no ego, just the way it is). If the right alpha who treated me like a woman, had a nice body, had a perfect 5-6" cock (I'm tight, the hell with huge cocks), was willing to relocate, was a nerdy gamer who liked EQ and wasn't a lazy sack of shit who also could put up with my crap came along? The idea wouldn't be totally inconceivable / off the table. But that ain't gonna happen~
Also, like I said, women are fun to make love to, and I've loved only women anyway.
TL;DR = Vag > Peen
hodj Bass skills. Transitioning. Boinking fembots and spilling water in bed. Never was gay. What do you think?
TIL: vanessa fucked "straight" guys.
Goodbye forever, thread.
Ok, let me try to clarify this. If you are a guy and you fuck another guy, regardless of whether or not he puts on makeup and has breast implants or not, then you are not straight. If you somehow get tricked all the way up until he's naked in your room and then you say no, you can still be straight. Once the dick (inverted or not) comes out and you still go forward with sexy time, you cease being straight.
You are without a doubt the most passable tranny I have ever encountered and the most passable of anyone I have ever heard of that did it as late in life as you did.