Potato del Grande
When people are treated fairly they aren't coddled, they're just another person. Just about every population has a few in the group that don't actually want to be treated equally when equality starts becoming a reality, but rather want the special attention to continue. So they seem to undermine progress to retain victim status. For instance, race pimps like Jesse Jackson, or feminists who lose their shit if you aren't opening doors for them. The problem is magnified by our social media outrage world, as well as by SJW bullshit where those outside the group tries to earn points by championing and pandering to the few in the groups who still demand special attention.
To make things worse, the push to pretend transgendersexualism has no links at all to mental illness is in fact making it a get out of crazy free card. Getting flak for being insane, just become transgender and now you're a victim. Having a tough time socializing because you're fucking weird, just become transgender and now you're a hero.
The actual transgender people struggling with the situation just want to be let alone as people and not have attention drawn to them. Just like black folks who are not race pimps or race whores just want opportunities to work and live and be left alone. Same with homosexuals, the average gay just wants to be left alone to marry and be miserable like the rest of us.
And while there are some parallels with social media and Hollywood and the like to the gay rights movement with a lot of people clinging to it for attention, the big difference is people just ended up with awkward oral sex stories from when they were experimenting as a gay, as opposed to people cutting their dicks off, or worse the dicks of their kids, in an attempt to be a special class of victim hero.
Know what equality looks like? Me not giving a shit about you if you're some random stranger I'm not suppose to give a shit about.
To make things worse, the push to pretend transgendersexualism has no links at all to mental illness is in fact making it a get out of crazy free card. Getting flak for being insane, just become transgender and now you're a victim. Having a tough time socializing because you're fucking weird, just become transgender and now you're a hero.
The actual transgender people struggling with the situation just want to be let alone as people and not have attention drawn to them. Just like black folks who are not race pimps or race whores just want opportunities to work and live and be left alone. Same with homosexuals, the average gay just wants to be left alone to marry and be miserable like the rest of us.
And while there are some parallels with social media and Hollywood and the like to the gay rights movement with a lot of people clinging to it for attention, the big difference is people just ended up with awkward oral sex stories from when they were experimenting as a gay, as opposed to people cutting their dicks off, or worse the dicks of their kids, in an attempt to be a special class of victim hero.
Know what equality looks like? Me not giving a shit about you if you're some random stranger I'm not suppose to give a shit about.
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