He wants it so bad its sad.
He is so stupid he literally can't tell shit posting and trolling, takes every word I say about him seriously, gets butthurt as fuck about it, and then tries to pretend like Keg's poll, who is persona non grata around here now and literally tried to destroy the forums, matters.
News flash bitch: I was the one that brought every one here. I was the one that turned this forum from a far left haven to a far right bastion of free speech. I'm more influential, and more influential means more haters and more grudges and that's the point.
If they ain't hatin', you ain't bein' effective enough.
At this point, I"m barely even a member, and yet I can generate more responses, more humor, and more trolling and amazing shit posts than 90% of this board ever will. I dive bomb in every few days for a shit post or two, and rile up the peanut gallery. Its pure entertainment for me.
Oh and
Didn't read. Don't care. Go ride a donkey dick fag. Your god doesn't exist any more than your second X chromosome.