If you're a Christian, then how do you reconcile that 'god' who is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent with you being born male and having gender dysphoria?
Ahh, the great age-old question of, essentially, why is there evil in the world? Or... why do bad things happen to people?
Me being a tranny is small potatoes compared to the real horrors and plagues of this world, wouldn't you agree? Innocents brutally murdered. Children born with down's syndrome. Children getting terminal brain cancer at age 2. Children left in the car to bake to death while their parent(s) are passed out from a drug overdose. Richard Simmons. You get the point of course. Religious scholars and philosophers have pondered and tried to answer this for literal millennia... a tranny in 2018 isn't going to come close to a satisfactory answer, but sure... I'll give it my honest and best go.
I believe (<-- key point, it's just MY belief, not my claim to be universal truth, as faith is all it is... belief without proof) that when God created Adam and Eve to live in the Garden of Eden, it was to be an eternal utopia. It was literally heaven on earth.. paradise. No evil, no death, no war, no famine. The Father gave us clear instructions NOT to eat of the fruit of knowledge. Of course, Satan beguiled Eve, and she led Adam astray too and they ate of it. It makes PERFECT sense why, as soon as that happened, that they realized they were naked. They felt
shame, a negative emotion. They began aging, and began dying. Death literally came into existence with the fall of paradise, through the first sin ever committed which was disobeying God.
Sin was then inherited by every human born since then. The first human child born, Cain, was literally a murderer (fratricide). Sin, btw, isn't just choice acts of evil like murder, rape, lying etc (tho it's what we commonly think of it as)... I think it also affects us biologically... for example... yup, you guessed it... mental illnesses. Genetic anomalies. Diseases and disabilities. Like xerox copies of copies, the more generations pass the more things become 'muddy' (I feel this also explains why the first generations of people lived hundreds of years, which began to become less and less until our life span is what it is now... modern medicine is finally extending our lives though, which is great).
That's NOT to say I think someone born with downs is evil and going to hell LoL. Original sin isn't 'choice'. We don't choose to be born with cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, gender dysphoria, or the slew of other shit that goes wrong with us. We DO, however, choose to lie, steal, rape, watch DC movies, etc.
The fall of Eden was a HUGE deal with explaining why there is evil in the world... it cannot be overstated how huge.
Romans 6:23 - "
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
That, sir, is how I reconcile that 'god' who is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent with me being born male and having gender dysphoria.
You are trying to apply logic to a conflict between to forms of mental illness. I am not saying V is batshit on Lumi levels, but its pretty much a given that if you have one delusional belief you are probably going to have several more, even ones that seemingly conflict with each other. Vanessa has more or less owned up to this in this thread, already.
Sigh, c'mon duder... I'm more, by definition I think, "delusional" about believing in God than I am about being a tranny. I've said countless times I'm biologically a male, I'm NOT a woman technically and never will be, I've admitted I suffered from a mental illness, I've admitted I don't fully pass, and I'm just currently living life this way to quell GD (which has been unmitigatingly successful). It's honestly the most rational self-awareness you could ask for from a tranny. Say it's odd. Say it's gross. Say it's a form of mental illness (GD tho, not 'being' trans). But don't say it's delusion... that's not accurate. There's literally nothing about my tranniness that is outside the scope of reality.