Do you feel Trans acceptance is a slippery slope, do you feel those that "paved the way" with gay rights etc are not a valid example of said slippery slope?
Remember the other question you asked about going topless around the beach and me saying it's a rabbit hole type of response if you wanted to go down that route? Same thing here. I like your questions
they cut deep but I guess after 80 pages all the superficial layers have been peeled away so this is what we're left with

I welcome any and all questions and dialogue though as I've said many times. Because of the "rabbit hole" nature of the question I have to try to exercise brevity though, too.
I think Trans acceptance could be a slippery slope yes. Your fears are the same as my fears, trust me, and that is: what's at the bottom of the slope? If we give legitimacy to transgender people "identifying" as another sex, what is to stop a 30 year old from "identifying" as a 6 year old and pushing to join the boy scouts, or worse.. pedophile defense. Would Rachel Dolezal type of people point to us to say "well they identify as the opposite gender, why can't I identify as the opposite race?". Or even identifying as an animal as it's very possible that the furry "community" become more radical in their push to be different and visible.
This sounds silly and alarmist I admit but then again who would of assumed the transgender issue would have exploded like this 50 years ago? As I said in a previous post, since the dawn of man I'm sure gender dysphoria has been a thing as well as crossdressing and most certainly effeminate males and butchy females. 50 years ago transsexuals were still around of course but it wasn't so prevalent as it is now, and they didn't pass nearly as well as today I assume with more research and experience regarding HRT and surgical procedures... hell my parents would tell me about transvestite hooker encounters here in Richmond that they heard of when they were much much younger. It was definitely around then.
So to say that trans acceptance is a slippery slope toward more radical issues such as what I described isn't too far fetched. Furries getting body modifications like tail surgery or some new-fangled hormone to promote full body hair growth? Might be possible in the future. Pedos getting
permanent age markers to make it legal to sleep with underaged kids because they "identify" as a 6 year old? Never say never.
I laid out the above as mere
possibilities in an ever-evolving society that (to answer your second question) keeps expanding tolerance started by gay rights and further back civil rights for women and blacks I suppose. That's not a stretch to conflate them all. Civil rights are human rights. Period. Gays DO deserve to be treated as equal as straight people. Blacks DO deserve every bit of fairness as whites. Women DO get the same strength of voting as men. Trans people DO deserve to be regarded the exact same as cis people do.
Personally, though, I believe EQUALITY is where the buck should stop. When minorities start pushing not for equality but for unfair advantages, then the civil rights push has pushed too far and needs to be reeled back in. The pendulum swings both ways. Yes, you want to fight for minorities but you also want to fight to keep it fair. Should I have ANY advantage as a trans person in society over a cis person? Fuck no. Should blacks have ANY advantage over white people in school selection? Fuck no. Should women get selective employment in the gaming industry just because they have a pussy? Fuck no. This is why I'm against taxpayer or insurance funded surgeries for facial feminization, breast augmentation, hair removal, etc. Women don't get free plastic surgery, why should trans women?
To briefly state my position on all this... I believe as long as you are not directly harming someone else, people should have the right to be who they want to be and express themselves as they see fit. Just realize that there are ramifications to self-expression in society. You can express your love for Cardi-B on your forehead with a tattoo... don't expect to climb the social ladder very far in light of that expression though. So in 50 years if a furry wanted to get a literal tail via surgery, get fangs for teeth, eye tattoos and such. Cool. Don't expect me to pet you if I pass you on the street, get offended if I don't want you rubbing up against my leg, or have compelled speech to call you "it" instead of he or she though.
Anyway... I said I'd exercise brevity and I'm failing on that promise LoL, so I'll stop here, but again, this is a rabbit hole issue that we could discuss for a long
long while.