Virtual Reality


what Suineg set it to
They already do, I've worked on 6 VR projects in last two years and they were all for the Navy. They're really into VR.
I don't mean like that, I mean like having them across the US and on bases around the world so people deployed can spend some time with family in a VR space. Like that AT&T videophone but you know, good.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
People getting their CV1s now and a lot are joining Column in the underwhelmed category. Problems just seem so much more noticeable when it's not a dev kit that everyone expects to get better soon.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There is a really annoying white halo artifact that you guys will see every time there is a large white object on a black background. So far this seems to only be text on the opening credits for the movies and Eve. Once you get in the game I haven't seen it, thank God.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All I have are the two freebies and two I bought off the store. Luckey's Tale is cute, doesn't make you sick, kid friendly etc. Good pack in game, not sure how long people will play it but it will be a staple to show off for folks who like Mario type stuff.

Eve I want to like and I was looking forward to it but I really need to get my HOTAS system configured before I can give you a real comment. Just haven't had time yet but it is my main priority this weekend.

Project Cars $50 on the store - I would skip this if I didnt have a driving wheels, shifter and pedals. Again haven't had a chance to set it up with that yet but I think it should be cool.

BlazeRush $10 on the store - this game looks pretty freaking incredible, it is like you are standing over an old Tycho slot car race track and you can lean in to look at the cars and stuff. It was cheap, and I would be playing the shit out of it except... no sound in CV1. Sound works just fine for every other demo and app but not for this. I have a ticket open with Oculus that will probably never go anywhere and I also reached out to the developers in Russia, we'll see if they can figure out what is going on.

I am a mountain climber in real life and I really want to buy the Everest experience but it isn't available yet. I also want to buy the Eagle flight where you fly over Paris but again not available yet.


FPS noob


Mr. Poopybutthole
pre orders are starting to go out, for those who hit the page before it was supposed to go live. there is a complicated way to check your actual order date as stored by oculus
Not us, we waited an hour, debating the price, and then our ship date was April.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The butthurt in the oculus community about not getting shipment info is incredible. Folks who have waited a lifetime for good VR are furious over a few days of no shipping info.


what Suineg set it to
The butthurt in the oculus community about not getting shipment info is incredible. Folks who have waited a lifetime for good VR are furious over a few days of no shipping info.
Probably because 95% are now resales on Ebay.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Vive tried to charge my credit card this morning and Chase, God bless them, declined the charge to protect me from fraud.