We've had 14 Days and the people of FoH have spoken!
In reverse order, our winners(?) are:
With 97 votes: Millie being a guy and abusing his Amod powers whenever his claim of being a girl was questioned. Highlighted by the Bill Nye pic.
With 100 votes: Curt Schilling and the the 38Studios thread. A legit game was produced from this endeavor, but at what cost? Especially to the taxpayers of RI.
With 103 votes: Ravvenn scamming people on the forum to donate to her charity that was actually used to buy vicodin and other illicit things no doubt.
With 129 votes: Tyen and TRex abusing their power and allowing the site to host malware while chortling all the way. This lead to the first forum exodus and the loss of a lot of history. /spit
With 152 votes: Ravvenn, after leaving the forum in disgrace after the above incident, is tracked down some years later and it's revealed she has become a backpage/craigslist hooker.
With 154 votes: Draegan, in an attempt to cash in on the site, sold ReRolled to MMOCraig. This backfired though since everyone left upon this discovery. Hail
@a_skeleton_03 once again
With 158 votes: Kate from Kate's Playground is revealed to have a mangled foot/hoof that she always cleverly hid in photos. Tracking her character down in WoW was the key moment here.
With 166 votes: Sam Deathwalker may not have been unique to FoH, but this community ran with the discovery of him being a sex offender like no other.
With 169 votes: Johnny49 chose to regale us with his sexual exploits while engaged with the various world renowned prostitutes of the Camden, NJ area. Incredible barely describes it.
With 186 votes: You have 14 days! Furor, the former GM of FoH in its heyday of original EQ had one of the most iconic rants in MMORPG history, which likely influenced EQ, FoH, and WoW with its impact at the time.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote in likely the biggest and most-voted-in poll we've had here in quite some time. This will provide plenty of material for
to go over in an upcoming podcast. When it's done, I'll be sure to provide the link here so everyone who's interested can give it a listen.