This game is incredible in VR. I don't know how they did it but I didn't even have a hint of motion sickness.
I played up through Bleak Falls Barrow and holy shit, that place is just fucking amazing in VR. I used the moves up until the dungeon then swapped over to the DS4 so I could see what the differences are.
I felt like I could probably use the moves 100% of the time, they're way more fun for spells and the bow but so far kinda hokey for one handers at least. I've read the shield is bugged and causes you to take out your weapons all the time in town so I haven't tried that yet. Movement wise with the move wands you just aim the left stick where you want to go and hit the top button, so if you want to strafe you point left/right, if you want to go backwards you actually point the move wand behind you almost.
Works well but if you actually want to turn you have to hit either the X or Circle on the right move wand. The problem with this is you have to keep hitting the buttons to turn, you can't just hold it down or anything so there is no real smooth turning with the wands. I really hope they look at this more. Almost seems like it'd make more sense to let you turn by pointing the right wand or something, wish these fucking things just had a stick on them. Either way I could easily see using these the entire time, especially if they make it so holding down the x or circle gives you smooth turning.
The DS4 was just simpler and of course you get smooth turning with the right stick and analog movement with the left. You aim by looking with the headset, works fine but aiming with the move wands is just more fun overall.
Game is so fucking immersive, I didn't even really care for Skyrim that much the first time I played it 6 years ago or whatever, it was cool for 20 or something hours then I just got bored and quit. I can't even imagine feeling that way this time, it's just so fucking epic being inside the world and seeing the scale of something like Bleak Falls Barrow in VR is a whole new experience.
I fucking love this game.