Another round of PS VR questions...
what sort of stand are you using for the camera? I read the older ones aren't threaded for a tripod screw, not sure about the new camera. Ideally I would like to be able to take it off the stand and mount it to the TV normally, because there's going to be times I want to play sitting down. I definitely don't see myself playing something like RE7 or Skyrim for hours standing up the whole time. The ideal situation for me would be to mount it to a mini-tripod and set it on my dresser while playing standing, and on the shelf under the TV when I'm sitting. No idea if that's possible though.
I did some measurements and the area I could set up for playing while standing is basically an entire 6'x9' rug. The center of it is roughly 8' from the console though, hopefully that's not going to be a cable length issue.
And sound... I have the Sony Gold headset, I assume that's more or less ideal for it?