those of you who happen to get it, be aware if you have a 4k tv, this is a fucking hassle.
I have a 4k tv, and the pass through box that comes with the PSVR does NOT do 4k passthrough. so basically once you hook it up (if you are using the PS4PRO) you are back to 720P/1080P on your PS4Pro output to TV.
I've spent a shit ton of time and research to bypass this and it's not easy. I managed it with 2 4k passthrough switches which still does not work perfectly. Just be aware that once you hook up the PSVr you are fucking your PS4PRO output.
those of you who happen to get it, be aware if you have a 4k tv, this is a fucking hassle.
I have a 4k tv, and the pass through box that comes with the PSVR does NOT do 4k passthrough. so basically once you hook it up (if you are using the PS4PRO) you are back to 720P/1080P on your PS4Pro output to TV.
I've spent a shit ton of time and research to bypass this and it's not easy. I managed it with 2 4k passthrough switches which still does not work perfectly. Just be aware that once you hook up the PSVr you are fucking your PS4PRO output.
you get nautious?I have to admit that I'm jealous my oldest kid can do unlimited time in VR. She played Skyrim for like 4 or 5 hours yesterday. I can't do more than 90 minutes, and after that 90 minutes I need to recover for a few hours.
I saw this youtube where this tetris master (only old school nes) played tetris effect and he was doing pretty well.Also Tetris Effect is really good. Both should be on sale digitally on the PSN store after xmas, they are $20 at amazon/gamestop now.