I agree Ut! I am so excited for Skyrim (played it ages ago on PS3 but never finished it). It's been a lifelong dream to feel like I was living in an RPG...and this is it finally after waiting a long long time. Much longer than I care to admit. I knew I was going to get Skyrim VR, even if it was just an "okay" port in VR, but the videos yesterday made it look better than I even dared hope. Going to load up on the Dramamine (I tend to get motion sick in some VR games hah) and have a blast after my kids and the wife go to bed!
edit: Those of you who are getting Skyrim VR, are you going to play it with the DS4 or move controllers? For months I've been thinking DS4 all the way, but after the latest video I'm debating buying the move controllers just for the extra immersion since they seem to work so well (and don't force teleporting movement). Flailing around for hours at a time might get a little tiring though compared to sitting on my couch with a DS4 in hand.