

Silver Knight of the Realm
Show did a pretty good job fleshing out Wanda and Vision quite a bit, which was nice considering they didn't have solo movies for character development. Agatha I liked, interesting way of introducing a fairly minor character and Kathryn Hahn played the part really well.

Pretty much everything outside the hex was just bad...thought I was watching something from the CW DC shows. All those characters just felt like after thoughts in how they were written. Maybe I missed something, but why was Monica so hellbent on giving Wanda the benefit of the doubt, and seemed more concerned with 'helping' her instead of all the innocent civilians being mind controlled.

Think this sets the expectations for these shows, either establishing new characters or developing existing ones and introducing some more minor villains. Seems like they aren't going to introduce any major MCU plot points in these shows, and just save that stuff for movies only.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Honest question. Given all her fame, who is more famous, her or Mary Kate / Ashley?

Elizabeth never had a bunch of pop culture catchphrases that were known by every person in the 1990s due to a top rated primetime sitcom and 35 straight to video films.

I think its the Olsen twins and I dont think its even close

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Tranny Chaser
Yeah they transitioned into fashion and style and are now just professionally fashionable.


Ssraeszha Raider
I think he means more famous today. Still probably Mary Kate/Ashly, but there's I'm sure there's a lot of people under 30 who have no idea who they are


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Good point, I think a lot of it has to do with age. Anyone who grew up watching Full House or all those direct-to-TV/DVD movies they produced post-Full House will know who they are. They even had video games for Gameboy based on those movies. To Ambiturner's point, they would probably be more famous with the 30+ set.

Younger people are probably only going to be familiar with Elizabeth.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I dont think EO is that well known. For example, my wife has seen every MCU movie and literally has no idea who EO is other than her name. When I told her its the twins younger sister she couldnt believe it, and now she "cant unsee it". EO is a nobody outside of Scarlet Witch

I think even amongst the younger set, the twins are probably more well known. EO has been in what, like 3 major movies and 1 show on a paid streaming service? Meanwhile Netflix was recycling Full House and it was still a hit.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Show did a pretty good job fleshing out Wanda and Vision quite a bit, which was nice considering they didn't have solo movies for character development. Agatha I liked, interesting way of introducing a fairly minor character and Kathryn Hahn played the part really well.

Pretty much everything outside the hex was just bad...thought I was watching something from the CW DC shows. All those characters just felt like after thoughts in how they were written. Maybe I missed something, but why was Monica so hellbent on giving Wanda the benefit of the doubt, and seemed more concerned with 'helping' her instead of all the innocent civilians being mind controlled.

Think this sets the expectations for these shows, either establishing new characters or developing existing ones and introducing some more minor villains. Seems like they aren't going to introduce any major MCU plot points in these shows, and just save that stuff for movies only.
Rambeau is a perfect example of how terrible the writing for this was. The final episode had two glaring scenes, which, I think she may have only really had two scenes, so that's pretty bad.

She's got these brand new powers, and is being held captive. She just randomly uses her powers to solve her problem. And in the end, what was the entire point of that scene? Literally nothing of significance happened. Fake Quicksilver just becomes some random unconnected character (another drone), the captivity doesn't lead to anything, the necklace is a throw away (literally), and Monica doesn't have any actual character growth. The entire scene becomes pointless.

So then she decides to run in front of bullets. Once again, she has no idea what her "powers" are. And instead of her reaction being "oh my god, I've been shot...wait, what? I'm okay?" she quips to a child "nice moves!" Like...what?

Characters should have a consistent motivation and act like rational humans. These characters were all over the place.

Our bad guy has neither of the above. What's his motivation? Just to be a bad dude? What's the humanity behind his actions? There's none. Thanos was a great villain because his motivation made sense. He's seen the destruction of all lifeforms, something that destroyed everything he loved, and his solution isn't just pure evil. It makes sense, even if it's not what us as individuals would likely choose.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Rambeau is a perfect example of how terrible the writing for this was. The final episode had two glaring scenes, which, I think she may have only really had two scenes, so that's pretty bad.

She's got these brand new powers, and is being held captive. She just randomly uses her powers to solve her problem. And in the end, what was the entire point of that scene? Literally nothing of significance happened. Fake Quicksilver just becomes some random unconnected character (another drone), the captivity doesn't lead to anything, the necklace is a throw away (literally), and Monica doesn't have any actual character growth. The entire scene becomes pointless.

So then she decides to run in front of bullets. Once again, she has no idea what her "powers" are. And instead of her reaction being "oh my god, I've been shot...wait, what? I'm okay?" she quips to a child "nice moves!" Like...what?

Characters should have a consistent motivation and act like rational humans. These characters were all over the place.

Our bad guy has neither of the above. What's his motivation? Just to be a bad dude? What's the humanity behind his actions? There's none. Thanos was a great villain because his motivation made sense. He's seen the destruction of all lifeforms, something that destroyed everything he loved, and his solution isn't just pure evil. It makes sense, even if it's not what us as individuals would likely choose.

Great points.

My favorite WTF moment is when White Supremacy Vision is crushing Wanda's head and Beet Vision just smashes into him from the side. Instead of Wanda basically flying sideways with him as per basic physics, or just basically being flung to the side, she just ends up standing exactly where she was as if he released just before being smashed
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Ssraeszha Raider
Blows my mind they would cast X-Men's Quicksilver and have it mean absolutely nothing. That and there being no Mephisto or big bad beyond some Z level nobody is Rian Johnson level of subverting expectations.

The show would have been fine on its own, but don't tease cool shit for no reason
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Blows my mind they would cast X-Men's Quicksilver and have it mean absolutely nothing. That and there being no Mephisto or big bad beyond some Z level nobody is Rian Johnson level of subverting expectations.

The show would have been fine on its own, but don't tease cool shit for no reason
Should have been an end of movie credit scene?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, Monica/Photon is an interesting character, but they did feel rather wasted in the show. Beyond it serving as an origin story and a setup for CM2, she could have been almost completely absent and not a whole lot would have changed to the plot.

And ya, Xmen Quicksilver just being a meta "joke" felt like a cruel tease, especially since we know Disney owns X-Men movie rights now
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Aychamo BanBan

Ya, Monica/Photon is an interesting character, but they did feel rather wasted in the show. Beyond it serving as an origin story and a setup for CM2, she could have been almost completely absent and not a whole lot would have changed to the plot.

And ya, Xmen Quicksilver just being a meta "joke" felt like a cruel tease, especially since we know Disney owns X-Men movie rights now

Man, to be honest, I don’t think Sword contributed to the plot even one bit. Nothing they did affected anything, except maybe the occasional break in her altered reality.
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