Fair enough, and I understand that. I'm not trying to hide in the ambiguity. It's just a reality of this particular situation and geopolitics in general. Sorry I don't have any simple, concrete answers, but my general feeling is that if the Assad regime can be shown to have conclusively used chemical weapons on civilians, strong words just don't go far enough in deterring future assholes from doing it. That doesn't mean regime change, invasion, or even a no fly zone are necessary or desirable either. Really it's less about Syria in particular and more about future deterrence. And I readily admit that even a limited attack might well make the regional situation much worse. However I also think it's beyond retarded that some people think that Russia might react military to an attack. They'll protest loudly, maybe even turn off some pipelines here or there, but that'll be it. This isn't the fucking missile crisis, nor is it anywhere close to being some sort of precursor to WW3.