Goonsquad Officer
I'm kind of ignorant of a lot of warframe stuff because i tend to take long breaks (last break started around when saryn prime came out. heh so i'm a little behind on most things)
what factors make volt and saryn the go-to?
it sounds like his bonus electrical damage would stack well with the weapons i tend to use (opticor, atomos, amprex).
also i was looking at volt on the wiki. does the capacitance mod heal shields insanely fast? it seems like that plus opticor would be constant full shields
what factors make volt and saryn the go-to?
it sounds like his bonus electrical damage would stack well with the weapons i tend to use (opticor, atomos, amprex).
also i was looking at volt on the wiki. does the capacitance mod heal shields insanely fast? it seems like that plus opticor would be constant full shields