Anything under a 5 is barely noticeable unless you're right on top of it.
Anything under a 5 is barely noticeable unless you're right on top of it.
3.5 is the threshold for feeling them in my opinion. Granted, that's if you're within probably 10 miles.Anything under a 5 is barely noticeable unless you're right on top of it.
3.5 is the threshold for feeling them in my opinion.
I was in a 5 once that was centered maybe 25 miles away. There was no question the ground was shaking, but it's not like water was sloshing out of my glass or anything. Certainly wasn't knocking anything off of a shelf. In the 10 years I was in California I was very disappointed with the frequency and severity of earthquakes. From the way people in California talk I was thinking shit would be shaking all the time. In 10 years I only felt 3 earthquakes and that 5 was the only one that was more than "Did you feel that? Was that an earthquake? I'm not sure.".3.5 is the threshold for feeling them in my opinion. Granted, that's if you're within probably 10 miles.
I suspect you've never actually felt a 4.0 - 5.0 earthquake, because there's definitely no mistaking it for quite a distance away.
Sounds about the same here.58 right now, will be 60 at midnight then crash down to freezing for Christmas. But the rain will have moved out by then so no chance of a white christmas.