Good thing about winter is you never worry about the ice cream melting on the way home from the grocery store.its so cold i just left the groceries in the garage
Yeah we got over 12" here on LI.Upstate NY here. Highs in the 20s, lows in the single digits, both positive and negative. Honestly nothing out of the ordinary lately. The storm last week ended up dropping maybe 6" here, but things were actually worse to the south.
It gets said a lot but its so true. It aint the cold its the fucking wind. I do most winter days in a hoodie and a t-shirt underneath. 20 degrees in a hoodie is nice. Add some wind though and fuck it gets cold fast. I used to love wearing these heavy wool Irish aran turtle neck sweaters cause they are warm as can be, but the wind cuts right through the knitting on the fuckers like tiny little needles of icy pain.
Want to know the oddest thing about cold weather. 20 years ago I was out on the Gila in New Mexico elk hunting. Had a gallon of water in my toolbox I had picked up at the store to have "just in case". It was down in the low 20's the entire time I was out there. The water never froze lol. Yeah I'll pass on that water from now on. I kept it in my truck for a year just to see but the plastic finally fell apart.
Super pure water won't turn solid because it lacks a nucleation site. You could have poured it out and witnessed a popular high school science fair project.
Not really concerned about the cold weather. Concerned the forecast is till calling for "heavy rain" at single digit temps. Someone needs to fix their model or something.Part of me is looking at the weather the South is getting and thinking "Yeah, motherfuckers, that shit isn't much fun, is it?"
Concerned the forecast is till calling for "heavy rain" at single digit temps. Someone needs to fix their model or something.
This shit is crazy but happens. Some times its 38 degrees and we get snow. Yesterday it was 20 degrees and we got rain that turned instantly to ice on everything it landed on. Odd.Not really concerned about the cold weather. Concerned the forecast is till calling for "heavy rain" at single digit temps. Someone needs to fix their model or something.
Part of me is looking at the weather the South is getting and thinking "Yeah, motherfuckers, that shit isn't much fun, is it?"
Part of me is looking at having zero degrees and -15 to -20 windchill, and thinking that the Upper Midwest and central Canada need to take their fucking cold ass, 'Fargo' weather back.