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did you outsource to the indians?I ran a line crew for more than 10 years. Working 36" or less from power and the fuckers didn't like to wear hard hats because "its hot outside". Lanyards? "It slows me down". I only had one near-miss in ten years.
Tldr there are too many low IQ types doing line work.
Its funny, but the power linemen never have these issues because they just pull the fuses and work on unenergized lines. Its the telco teams that need to operate near live power. And the pay and bennies are pretty good for a high school diploma.Seems to me that people with higher IQs would think 'man working around power lines sounds terrible'
You would think following simple safety rules to prevent a date with Mr. Sparky would be a no-brainer but...newp.Or at least have an innate distrust of things that can cause an unpleasant death.
you're better off dressing with layers. new coats suckSide note, winter coats online seem to be getting sparse. I am assuming impacted areas are buying them all up