Deep snow like that is totally normal in the Sierra's. Not at Lake Tahoe usually, but it happens every time there's a high precip winter. I had a friend who was a park ranger at a ski-in back country cabin and his place got buried so deep that he had to climb out a second story window and ski down the mountain to safety. Basic situation was if he couldn't stay on top of his skis and get himself out of there they probably would have had to look for him in the spring. There will be places in narrow valleys up there where the snow gets to be 40+ feet deep.
southern sierras has the largest snowpack (based on water content) in recorded history - good chance central will also end up with the record and probably north as well, given we're still in line for wet weather through April - this is definitely an historic event
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good thread on it
How much of the snowmelt will be captured in reservoirs as compared to how much will instantly go out to the ocean?
50 feet of snow buries chairlifts at California ski resorts
California ski resorts are enjoying an epic snow season with more than 50 feet of snow having fallen in some areas. But is it too much snow?
Glad I was too lazy to plant my shit in late February like I normally do. Every four or five years we get a nasty frost late like this, and when it happens I gotta buy all the veggies again.This is going to suck. A few days ago was up to 85. Everything is greened out, azelezs are bloomed, blueberries putting on along wit lots of other stuff. Forecast tonight 24F.