just a word of warning, do not take headlines at their face value for SC "1000 year level" is both true AND false, it is true that they got that amount of rain, what is false is the 1000 year part-mainly due to the duration of the storm.
NOAA has these wonderful charts - which classify what "size" storm has happened. until Yesterday, SC was no where NEAR a 1000year event rainfall wise (they were at 100year), they then got hit with a 500year rainfall..
looked at the preliminary data,...for charleston- 500yr storm - overall -excluding the past 24hrs they had gotten 11" of rain in 3 days so that is a 100 year event
so while the TOTAL rainfall is beyond the charts, broken down, they had a 100year event and a 500year event back to back.
it's just a shitload of rain hope everyone is ok if they live in that area. Back when my wife was pregnant with my twins (who are now 11) we got hit with 14" of rain in 24hrs in my area- at the time my house had no roof on it- just a tarp covering the framing (were were putting on a 2nd floor to the house) tarp partially blew off, luckly only minor water damage to ceiling. the downtown area of my city was closed for a week due to flood waters (anything over like 4" of rain will flood the downtown area) so i know what it is like- luckily i live on a hill so i really cannot get flooded perse )walkout basement as well so at MOST i get 2 inches of water in the basement, then all i have to do is open the door and it flows out-i've only gotten a trace of water in the basement ever- and that was when a downspout broke.