I'm a bit late, but need to weigh in on this 1300 calories/day nonsense. Two years ago I was about 250lbs, squarely in the strongfat category, still had a gut, some man titties, but was at 415/365/265 for deadlift/squat/bench. I was mostly fine with it because I love shitty food and was doing fine with personal body image/women where I was at.
Got in a relatively bad car wreck and couldn't gym for the foreseeable future. Combined with switching to working overnight I just mostly stopped eating. I'd have one meal around like 6-7pm when I woke up, in the 1200-1500 calorie range, then generally not really eat again until the following day.
Well like 18 months/two years or so of that and I'm at today. ~170lbs, mostly skinnyfat now, bench has fallen to barely 155, squat to 185, deadlift to 225 for like 2 reps. I lost so much fucking muscle it's unreal. Have a tiny bit of midriff pudge, arms are tiny, but I guess I'm all vascular looking now which counts for something?
Anyway, just rambling, but jesus christ eat more than 1300 calories a day or you'll waste away in no time.