tldr; trainers hurt newbs who are newbs and therefore can't tell that they're at risk, made extra dangerous by newbs not knowing that exercise isn't supposed to hurt in the first place.
Just to revisit this, because nicotine is kicking your ass and you want to argue the dumbest shit these days...:
The people most likely to want to pay a "professional" for help with proper lifting technique are the least likely to be able to determine if the trainer is retarded or not. I've got a buddy on the west coast who might start lifting, if he asks me "What do you think about PTs?", should I say "just find a good one!". How does that help him? If he knew how to appraise proper deadlift and squat form then he wouldn't need a trainer anyway.
The ridiculous nonsense I see the trainers at my gym doing every day is beyond belief -- morbidly obese people doing box jumps/sprints, horrible looking "squats" on the smith machine, far too much weight on a with tons of spotter assist followed by 'that was all you bro!'. Not only is this generally counter-productive, but it's down right dangerous. And exercise tends to defeat the bodies natural self-defense mechanism, think of how many people associate a good workout with pain? Bro-science and newbwisdom would have you believe that if your DOMS go away after a week that you need to change your workout around for muscle confusion, because prompting an adaptation response is clearly not what we're looking for here! Trainers even encourage that shit -- you can tell by the ridiculously convoluted and complex workouts they put day 1 beginners on. Because obviously the first week in the gym is when a beginner needs 90 minutes of volume!
EDIT: Remember, Ossoi's trainer had him drink straight coconut oil! That isn't even that damaging in the grand scheme of things, but newbs are fucking retarded.