Fat, out of shape people who give advice is nails on a chalkboard for me.
A while ago, I was drinking a protein shake outside of my former job, and a co-worker came up to me. Convo went sorta like this:
Her: What's that, a shake?
Me: Yeah, protein shake
Her: Oh, those don't really work, I tried them. Also, too much protein will hurt your kidneys
Me: No, not really. It works though, especially when I don't have time to cook all my meals throughout the day.
Her: Well, that stuff will kill you, be careful
Me: I will, thanks. ::watches as she totes along a big greasy bag of 5 Guys, eating her way through 5lbs of Fries to get to her burger while she walks to the back::
I also had this one
Fatgirl2 is a 5'2" 200lbs+ woman.
Fatgirl2: Oh what's that, a protein shake?
Me: Yep, like usual. You guys see me drink this every day.
Fatgirl2: Ah. Where do you get it from?
Me: Walmart, $15. Takes me about 4 days to go through a tub.
Fatgirl2: Oh, that's not as good as mine. I spend $80 on my 2lbs tub.
Me: That's absolutely insane. Trust me, I doubt there is much difference between what I buy and what you do.
Fatgirl2: Oh it's legit, everyone I know swears by it.
Me: How long have you been taking it?
Fatgirl2: Oh about a year and a half
Me: Ah. Well good luck with that.