Weight Loss Thread


Trakanon Raider
We're they home cooked meals or fast food? My issue was with fast food, pretty sure it was the horrible grease in their fryer.

Im good now, I just eat plenty of junk food now so my stomach is used to the damage.


Got something right about marriage
And I'm 100% positive that the human body doesn't taste those things and go into revulsion mode. The fact that it is an issue for people to break themselves from that is uh, pretty good proof that the human body doesn't immediately go "Oh shit, processed food? NO FUCK YOU." at any point. The people who eat healthily will have a mental difference in how they feel that isn't related at all to how their body actually reacts to those. Sorry if you think that once you eat "healthy" that your body is going to have a physical negative response to food that doesn't fit your paradigm. So yeah, I'm gonna say that the people who eat reasonably for a few weeks/months are not having a physical revulsion action that isn't mostly situated in how they feel about their weightloss goals and eating habits when they eat a pizza. The burger anecdote was just that; an anecdote. But factually, the body doesn't discriminate on that level, processed or not. That's 100% a mental thing.

And to McCheese, you're comparing apples to hand grenades. Yes, food that is high in fats and calories that you aren't using are going to make you feel lethargic. Doesn't matter if they are processed or not, it just so happens that the food you are referencing happens to have those attributes, and has nothing to do with the "processing" at all. You're telling yourself there's a difference; that's the only actual difference. My chemistry might be a bit rusty, but I'm positive the state that food enters your body in, processed or not, has nothing to do with how your body handles that food in the long run. That shit is entirely mental.
I can't believe we're actually having this conversation. Next you're going to tell us being drunk is nothing more than a cognitive response I assume?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I can't believe we're actually having this conversation. Next you're going to tell us being drunk is nothing more than a cognitive response I assume?
You might need to brush up on your reading skills. At no point in that combination of statements did I say that physical chemical changes are a byproduct of the mind. What I did say, is that revulsion that people seem to feel towards processed foods after not eating them for awhile is primarily a mental reaction. Not an actual physical one. I wouldn't tell you that being drunk is a cognitive response; rather I would say it's a chemical response to a changing of blood/brain chemistry. Your body is -not- going to react to a different level of "processing" to any appreciable degree, no matter how much you want to think otherwise.

My feelings on oil are the fact it is effectively just fats. The body doesn't want fats nearly as much as it wants sugar. In fifey's case, if the oil added some sugary effect to the meal, he would have most likely had zero issue with it. Healthwise it wouldn't be a boon, but the human body doesn't discriminate on the level that you apparently think it does.

If you want to argue that processed foods have more sugars on average than unprocessed items, I won't argue with you. But if you think for a second that the body goes "oh shit, this was from McDonalds and -not- my backyard. DIFFERENT REACTION ENGAGED!" you are literally being retarded.


Got something right about marriage
You might need to brush up on your reading skills. At no point in that combination of statements did I say that physical chemical changes are a byproduct of the mind. What I did say, is that revulsion that people seem to feel towards processed foods after not eating them for awhile is primarily a mental reaction. Not an actual physical one. I wouldn't tell you that being drunk is a cognitive response; rather I would say it's a chemical response to a changing of blood/brain chemistry. Your body is -not- going to react to a different level of "processing" to any appreciable degree, no matter how much you want to think otherwise.

My feelings on oil are the fact it is effectively just fats. The body doesn't want fats nearly as much as it wants sugar. In fifey's case, if the oil added some sugary effect to the meal, he would have most likely had zero issue with it. Healthwise it wouldn't be a boon, but the human body doesn't discriminate on the level that you apparently think it does.

If you want to argue that processed foods have more sugars on average than unprocessed items, I won't argue with you. But if you think for a second that the body goes "oh shit, this was from McDonalds and -not- my backyard. DIFFERENT REACTION ENGAGED!" you are literally being retarded.
After all of that nonsense you have the audacity to say I'm the one being retarded. I think you should go back and re-read the entirety of our conversation and understand the context yourself before throwing around accusations of who's not reading correctly. Not only that but your opinions are ridiculous because guess what, when you eat shit food from shit restaurants like McDonalds your body DOES react differently. Your bowel movements are a prime indicator of health and when you eat fast food and nonsense like that you'll be irregular which by itself makes people feel like crap. You're an idiot Rezz, the body does react differently to a healthy meal like chicken with vegetables than it does to a 2 cheeseburger meal with fries and a coke from McD's.

I honestly can't believe you're even arguing that.


Musty Nester
the body does want fats. They trigger the satiation response. sugar doesn't.

Which means that the body does want sugar more than it wants fats.

I do think the revulsion to processed foods is largely mental, but not entirely. Vegitarians share a similar initial revulsion to meat. That's largely mental but there is some chemistry behind it -- those animal proteins make the stomach work harder than plant proteins. If you ever go low-salt then take a bite of processed food you WILL get a physical reaction out of that -- you'll notice exactly how salty it is, and that is not entirely mental -- there's a blood chemistry physical response involved in it as well.

The body will discriminate between a McDouble and a 1/4 pound of lean beef that you've prepared yourself with minimal additives. But it's not because somehow the lining of your colon knows McDonalds is bad for you, and it's up on all the current literature. It's just because the composition of those two foods are chemically different, and that's what the body reacts to.

I remember a nutrition teacher of mine had a McDonalds burger that was more than 7 years old. She'd bring it into class, she had it in a little plastic tin but it was hardly airtight. Still had the original wrapper for it. That thing was 7 years old... and no mold would grow on it. You really can't tell me that that's the same thing as a ground beef patty which you cooked on the grill yourself. Try to keep one of those in a plastic tin for 6 months. But yeah, sure, the severity of the reaction is certainly amplified by the brain parts. That's kinda what the brain parts are for though.


<Gold Donor>
You guys who are getting caught up in telling someone who is struggling with weight and bad eating habits that they need to be as efficient as possible. Except you're forgetting that exercise isn't needed at all to be efficient at weight loss. How you eat is 99% of that battle.

Excercise is an extra.
This right here bros. Only exercise I had while losing 60lbs was walking my ass from car to cube, then cube to car, then car to couch.

Not saying exercise is not good for you, its just that you dont need it to lose weight. What you need is a good plan of diet and WILLPOWER to help you sustain it.


I went from 230 to 180 just by changing my diet and the only activity I did was frisbee golf. I still looked like shit and had terrible mobility(once I started doing stuff in the gym). If I were doing it over again I probo woulda just did Yoga/foam rolling/stretching/lifting and saved myself like a year of time


Vyemm Raider
the body does want fats. They trigger the satiation response. sugar doesn't.
Studies have shown this isn't correct. Protein triggers a satiation response, fat is neutral, refined carbs (high glycemic index) and artificial sweeteners increase hunger slightly.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If you only diet and no lifting/resistance training of any kind, you'll just go from a large fat to a small fat. If you actually want to start looking "fit", you must train your muscles.

If you just want to be less fat, then yes, exercise not necessary. Diet is 99%.


Vyemm Raider
But if you think for a second that the body goes "oh shit, this was from McDonalds and -not- my backyard. DIFFERENT REACTION ENGAGED!" you are literally being retarded.
Let me introduce you togut bacteria, and how that effects food preference and digestion. The "literally retarded"actually realthing you're arguing against.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wonder how incredibly jacked everyone arguing in this thread about the best way to lose weight and gain muscle are