Hrm, you have bad reading comprehension issues apparently. Or what an edit button is.
I didn't state that carb cycling for fat loss = carbs pre-workout. What I said is that if he's cycling (ie, coming from an off day) and not consuming carbohydrates to a reasonable level before lifting, he's going to have energy issues in the gym. And since he said he was having energy issues in the gym... well, my basic math is pretty solid. Since I was under the impression he was a carb cycler, it sounded like he was just going to add 1000 calories -on top- of his heavy carb day, which seemed like a bunch to me. I then said that if he consumes more carbs before his workout vs. afterwards, he would probably have more energy in the gym vs. just blanket adding 1000 calories. The blog you linked actually mentioned nothing about any of that, and refuted nothing I said. I also said I don't follow fitness blogs, so knowing who some random fitness guy you think was refuting what I said (fact: he does not) is par for the course. Why I would know random fitness trainers in other countries is beyond me, but alright. YA GOT ME! Then we get to my deep knowledge of leangains, which I said I don't have because outside of you (now I remember reading about it before. You linked that crap on rerolled, and directly to the reddit a few times) mentioning it, I've never heard anyone in a gym ever say that combination of words. So yeah, I have a huge lack of knowledge about the founder of IF, because IF is generally dumb, and I've said it multiple times over the years. So a site about IF doesn't rank high on my giving a shit list. But -you- definitely linked from reddit a bunch, and googling it definitely points to the main website and reddit as the primary sources of information. And it most certainly does sound like something from reddit.
For fun, I googled LiverpoolFC. I don't get a reddit link on the first page of google. Halfway down the second, yes! But when I google leangains, the second source of information is reddit. So yes, exactly the same logic that I applied. Precisely the same.