but fuck if I can figure out how to get enough calories. I burn at least 4500 a day between running, lifting and life, yesterday was 5500. Today I only ate about 3000 and that was forcing myself. I want to keep it clean, i already have shakes and I added natural penutbutter but still need more, any suggestions?
The reality - if you're exercising hard and want to gain weight you can afford to include foods that you normally wouldn't eat. (although really if you're above 15% body fat you shouldn't be bulking - hence why I've cut down to 10%)
For me at 160lbs and 10% body fat, I'd be aiming for 3-4g carbs per KG body weight so 225-300g.
25g of carbohydrate powder during workout.
20-50g of carbs post workout (in shake or as separate eg fruit juice)
250g of jasmine rice is 90g carbs.
I'd also include a lot more bread than normal and low fat ice cream eg Halo Top. Even something like a pack of skittles post workout is fine. Fruit - adding mango to the jasmine rice, raisins etc.
Protein, I aim for 190g a day - usually from chicken breast etc.
Fats: 50g-75g.
10-15g of fat I get just from cooking oil, whether that's to sear my meat that comes out of my sous-vide, to roast some sweet potato in or to stir fry some veg.
Typically my first meal of the day is a fatty piece of meat with some nuts or avocado. I'll then train and consume all my carbs during and after training
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