I concede Ossoi. This is pointless and we are talking past each other.
Congratulations on your results. They are impressive and you should be proud of them.
Great, now that's out the way I can finally address the shit that you and
Burnem Wizfyre
have been spewing about insulin.
What spikes insulin:
Where do you get carbs and protein from:
What else do I get from food and drink:
So you're telling me that when I eat carbs, I spike my insulin and that shuts down ALL fat burning until my insulin levels subside?
And why are you so focused on carbs = insulin = no fat burning, and not protein, which also raises insulin levels, or factors like calorie intake/energy?
Because it's surely obvious that when I am eating food, regardless of whether it's carbs, protein, fat that my body is going to burn that food for energy and not access my fat stores?
Do you think that is some kind of revelation or something?
Well yes, look here are the studies
Dude, I don't need to you to tell me that if I have £100 in my wallet and a £50 restaurant bill, that I don't need to go to the ATM, I can just use the money in my wallet because it's quicker and more easily accessible
Besides, what can you tell me about other hormones, that are active at the same time as insulin that stimulate lipolysis and inhibit lipogenesis?
Yeah thought so, specifically: glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol etc
See, here's the issue (apart from your previously addressed "trying to win on a technicality because you were 5 points up in the second quarter of a basketball game")
Your understanding of insulin is FLAWED.
Both you and
Burnem Wizfyre
made definitive statements re insulin and fat loss:
The body doesn't work like that, it's not an on-off button. It's a dimmer switch.
It's not a case of whether insulin stops you from burning fat, it's if it stops you from losing fat.
And that was always my point - my results were clear and decisive proof that a high carb diet and insulin spikes are counter evidence to your DEFINITIVE CANNOT BURN FAT statements.
And that a low carb/low insulin diet is not necessary to lose weight, and therefore your DEFINITIVE CANNOT BURN FAT statements were flawed / incorrect.
But those statements don't apply to you or people like you - and I started off by asking you to put an * next to them before this turned into an autistic battle to get you to concede. All each of you had to do was say "ok, this statement doesn't work for everyone" and we could have saved everyone the trauma of having to tolerate this nonsense
Now admittedly, your DEFINITIVE statement was less extreme than
Burnem Wizfyre
and you phrased it better than by including the conditional "WHEN YOUR INSULIN LEVELS ARE HIGH" but you still failed by claiming "I DONT BELIEVE YOU ARE BURNING ANY FAT AT ALL"
A) A year long trial of 600+ overweight participants found that low carb and low fat diets produced similar results. Insulin production had no impact on predicting weight loss
This randomized clinical trial compares the effects of a healthy low-fat vs a healthy low-carbohydrate diet on 12-month weight change among adults aged 18 to 50 years with a body mass index of 28 to 40 without diabetes, and investigates modification of the diet effect by genotype pattern or...
B) I've never said a high carb diet is suitable for everyone. I've stated multiple times in the years I've been active in this thread that overweight/inactive people should start low carb and gradually increase their carb intake as their weight improves.
C) Fanatical zealousy about a diet is a sure signal that you need to slap yourself around the face. There are no magic pills, no secret methods, no hacks. If you believe that you or your guru (who also happens to be selling books and coaching services) have hacked the weight loss, then you're a fucking fool.
Carbs are not the devil, insulin is not the devil (I mean you literally ignored me saying that the reason I consume all my carbs during and post workout was to spike insulin to get glycogen to my muscles faster), fasting is not magic, keto is not magic.
My top rule for weight loss:
1. Can you adhere to your diet?
Yes = great, carry on
No = adjust, try something else
and any other mod that might be watching this, this discussion is over as far as I am concerned.
Burnem Wizfyre
have been knocked out, GG it's over, no rematch.
I've got the concession I was looking for. I've now responded to their flawed understanding of insulins effect on the body.
It's over.