You measure steps?
I've worn a fitbit charge for the last 4.5 years, so yes.
10k steps daily when on a cut as I don't like doing "extra" cardio at gym.
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You measure steps?
He does look like a line dancer, makes sense. Ba-dum-tsh.You measure steps?
17 pounds of fat, I did 50 in that time with insulin resistance and type two diabetes you suck at weight loss.
yea me too, isn't this basically one meal a day(omad)?just did a 24 hour fast. not too bad, probably could go a few more hours
If he'd ever got close to my condition then he'd realise that narcissism is a side effect of looking this good.
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I realiseBurnem Wizfyre has me on ignore, but maybe he takes me off.
I'll tagFaux in this as well seeing as you're yet to respond to my rebuttal of your claims re insulin and fat lipolysis.
Although really it'sBurnem Wizfyre that embarassed himself the most by claiming that "constantly spiking your insulin levels all day...leads to obesity"
And actuallyFaux you will genuinely learn something here.
I told you guys that I eat protein+fat pre workout, and carbs+protein post. The purpose being to spike insulin when my muscles are depleted of glycogen, so that nutrients get to the muscles faster.
What I should have also said is:
a) the post workout meals are low-fat.
b) I "carb cycle" meaning rest days are lower in carbs (but not "low carb)
Insulin doesn't just slow down fat lipolysis (which is what you were both hung up on - this fixation prevented you from seeing the bigger picture)
Insulin also:
a) prevents muscle breakdown
b) stimulates protein synthesis
c) increases glycogen synthase
d) transports amino acids into the muscle
Insulin has anabolic properties, which is why:
a) bodybuilders inject it
b) some diabetics get that fat accumulation effectBurnem Wizfyre thought was a "gotcha". It has an anabolic effect on the fat cells, they're not actually growing via accumulation of more fat - the cells themselves are getting bigger. It's like filling up a ziploc bag with water. The fat cell being the ziploc bag, if you fill it up with water the bag expands. The insulin is making the bag itself bigger.
Insulin doesn't care if it's building muscle or building fat, those are a by product of it carrying out its primary function.
So, by timing the majority of my carbs during/post workout. I'm spiking my insulin when that spike is primed to go towards my muscles rather than my fat stores. And because fat intake is lower post workout when my insulin is high and because I'm in a calorie deficit then there's no surplus energy to go to the fat cells
And, because I'm in an overall energy deficit each day - I'm going to lose fat whilst ideally preserving/building muscle.
Then on rest days, when I don't need to replenish glycogen or worry as much about protein synthesis, carbs are lower (but not low carb)
This way I'm min/maxing the times spent in muscle building and fat burning, whilst ensuring that my daily calorific deficit promotes fat loss.
So I'll say again:
Spiking insulin does not lead to obesity for everyone (this was a retarded claim andBurnem Wizfyre should think very very carefully about a) claiming I'm an idiot b) coming at me again
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Yes 24 hour fast is omad, it’s not that hard great job to you andyea me too, isn't this basically one meal a day(omad)?
Did getting brow beat in the divorce thread over being a cuck result in this?
yea it's just difficult to wrap your head around only 1 meal AND no snacking, even if those snacks are fucking healthy like mangos and bananas and nuts and jerky n shit... like damn if i wanna eat this jerky now, i gotta set aside 10% of my one meal to munch on it at the end, ha.Yes 24 hour fast is omad, it’s not that hard great job to you andAraysar
Yes 24 hour fast is omad, it’s not that hard great job to you andAraysar
yea it's just difficult to wrap your head around only 1 meal AND no snacking, even if those snacks are fucking healthy like mangos and bananas and nuts and jerky n shit... like damn if i wanna eat this jerky now, i gotta set aside 10% of my one meal to munch on it at the end, ha.
youre doing stevia too? man guess i should try itWhat I find most surprising is how much tea and coffee helps stave off hunger
I drink 3-4 cups a day with a few drops of stevia and basically forget about food for most of that 24 hours
I think you have a reading comprehension problem.
Sugar is undoubtedly bad for you, increasingly so in larger amounts and as it is more processed. You can certainly lose weight while still consuming sugar in measured amounts, but those amounts vary among individuals based mostly on their genetics and their current weight. What you can't do is lose weight while your insulin levels are high and directing your body to increase its fat stores, and sugar is the easiest way to make increase your insulin levels. Does that work for you?
You have to stop man, the dude literally has a reading comprehension problem. He doesn't understand that there is a difference between building muscle mass and losing accumulated fat without exercise. He keeps saying "you can do both" without the slightest understanding of why that isn't true for a lot of people and a lot of lifestyles.
youre doing stevia too? man guess i should try it
So if I have a reading comprehension problem, enlighten me.
Where in the highlighted part of the first post does it indicate that you are only talking about a specific group?
I understand the second post, you're saying comparing active people and inactive people isn't sensible, and you are suggesting that I'm ignoring overweight and inactive people. When in reality, your claim in Post 1 doesn't list any exceptions to the claim.
Also, seeing as you're another one misunderstanding how insulin works, I'll go back and tag you in my "insulin for idiots" post
Jesus Christ. I can't believe I have to continually spell things out for you like this.
You = someone who is actively exercising most days of the week and/or actively building muscle mass.
That is the difference. Your increase in calories is going to build and maintain muscle mass. It would be stored as fat in someone not following a similar exercise regimen.
No, when YOU lose weight without exercising that is what happens because you work pretty hard on accumulating extra muscle mass and that extra muscle mass is not magically supported by anything except increased calorie intake and exercise to specifically maintain it.
When a normal person tries to lose weight, they don't somehow magically lose all of their muscle while burning fat stores. This is some weird bodybuilder myth that you perpetuate with no basis. They might not retain all of their accumulated muscle mass from lugging around excess weight, but they aren't going to be some kind of emaciated shell of a human.
Jesus Christ. I can't believe I have to continually spell things out for you like this.
You = someone who is actively exercising most days of the week and/or actively building muscle mass.
That is the difference. Your increase in calories is going to build and maintain muscle mass. It would be stored as fat in someone not following a similar exercise regimen.
No, when YOU lose weight without exercising that is what happens because you work pretty hard on accumulating extra muscle mass and that extra muscle mass is not magically supported by anything except increased calorie intake and exercise to specifically maintain it.
When a normal person tries to lose weight, they don't somehow magically lose all of their muscle while burning fat stores. This is some weird bodybuilder myth that you perpetuate with no basis. They might not retain all of their accumulated muscle mass from lugging around excess weight, but they aren't going to be some kind of emaciated shell of a human.
I'm no longer indulging your sick fetishes because you don't understand simple English, sorry pervert.