Mr. Poopybutthole
I "guess" this can go here. Its Weight Loss, but not... like lose 100 pounds kind of weight loss.
Im trying to cut by a small bit, as Im starting to get some pudge around my sides. My gains have went up substantially since I started "bulking" but.. even counting macro's.. not all days are equal so my pre-planned meals are too much some days and not enough on others. Im up to 218 as of this evening, since really starting into weight lifting back in October. I would like to get back down to ~200, but Im sketch on cutting too hard and too fast, not only because Im afraid Ill lose muscle/power, but because I will nerd rage if Im hungry for too long.
For reference, this is what I worked out for my size and Ive been sticking to it since roughly the end of November (Since I know Ill be asked):
Meal 1: 205gr Eggs, 50gr Oatmeal, 125gr Banana.
Meal 2: 150gr Chicken, 20gr Olive Oil, 185gr White Rice - (oil fits the macros and makes the meal no so plain).
Meal 3: 65gr Protein Powder, 405gr Green Apples
Meal 4: 55gr Lean Ground Turkey, 185 Gr, White Rice
Workout - 780ml "Regular" Gatorade.
I have scales, and measuring cups and all that - but Im just kind of eye balling it since I know roughly what the amount looks like, but its still probably higher than stated.
Now that thats out of the way, on to the actual question.
I was using Complete Nutrition's Hardcore Platinum Burn -
I wasnt sure if it was doing anything when I was taking it. I felt like I was body temp "hot", but thats it. Now that Ive been away from preworkout for a while, and Im not taking anything like that.. I feel like Im not getting as good of a workout as I used to. My shirt isnt drenched when I leave the gym - but I have a full on hour and a half, to two hour regiment of weight lifting. Wednesdays is my rest/core day, and 30 minutes of stairs is in that - but I guess Im not really "wanting" to focus more on cardio to cut back some of this weight.
Have any of you tried anything like that, that you looked back on and thought it worked well?
(Oh and I take an assortment of Vitamins (Animal Pack, Fish Oil) and Instant Creatine.)
I've also noticed a dip in performance going from pre-workout to non pre-workout, so I'd say go back to taking it. Your options are more cardio or eat less. I know you said you're worried about losing gains, but as long as you continue to workout and get plenty of protein, I wouldn't worry about it. You'd have to cut a ton of calories to trigger your body into starvation mode. Start with a modest cut and go from there.