How quick did you feel effects? IE is there any window where you could kinda get an idea of how your going to feel etc, but still early enough to dump them if you find out it makes you too hulk angry or no energy boost?
When I switched, it took me two weeks, maybe three? Before I noticed a change in my energy levels and a change in my general apathetic attitude. Depending on how low/high your T count is, natively, will probably dictate how quickly you notice any changes. Doctors say it takes about 6 months to fully realize the effects, however. I used to come home for lunch and would fall asleep for like 15-25 minutes routinely and now I dont. I havent had weight issues since before I was in the Army/Highschool. But the guys I know that encouraged me to take TRT, they've lost an absolute fuck ton of weight. Generally, they werent fat before they got into their 30's and 40's, so I think there is still a certain personality trait you have to have when you finally do start having energy to lose a ton of weight (for whoever is reading this). But thats not to say the increased energy wont help you with your body image even if you do have a sedentary personality.
What to expect after 3 months of TRT?
Testosterone Injection Timeline
4 weeks after starting: Improved lipid profile and sexual performance. 3 months (12 weeks) from the start: Better glycemic control, increased exercise capacity, and noticeable changes in body composition. 6 months into treatment: Increased bone density and possible changes in PSA levels.
As far as the hulk smash, me angry, thing - that has to be Trenbolone or something (actual steroids).I know someone thats taking some kind of steroid that he gets out of Eastern Europe, and he has a short temper. But he's still a pushover. Just because he gets angry doesnt mean hes going to violently lash out at old women and children, lol. Ive noticed that I have less patience, and a general lack of empathy. But really, "in my mind" I feel like its just reverting you to the personality you had when your T levels were higher - not turning you into Juggernaut.
Ive had this conversation a few times here in the past couple months on this board, for some reason. I guess its just our age range that is making it popular. But according to the studies, it will take several years (Ive seen as low as 4+) before any of the negative effects of TRT become permanent. But we're talking about low sperm count, which shouldnt be a huge issue for most of us here. My balls havent shrank after a Year+ of using it, if that was a question. Hypogonadism is treatable if that is, though. Also, your sperm can still be harvested for vitro fertilization if you do want a child and stay on TRT. But generally, everything Ive read says that you can revert back to your "natural" low T self within 4-6 weeks after being on it for
less than 2 years. Being on TRT for a full 6 month regiment should have no long term effects if you want to experiment.
If you do your own research, you have to sift through pages designed for women that want to be men. So be aware of what you're reading before you get too far. Quick way to find out is to do a search for "enlarged clitoris" as soon as you hit the page.