Lord Nagafen Raider
- 644
- 103
The starvation diet principle is why I stopped the rapid fat loss protocol. I may not have explained it right above, but half a week into that protocol I bailed and started eating normally again. I had been doing some reading on minimum calories, etc. and I wasn't convinced I would get enough on that method.He's gonna be fuckin ripped. Like a sexy coconut.
Ubibro, reading that eating schedule made my head hurt. Why not just make some diet changes, moderate intake, and up your physical activity?
When I switched back to the Intermittent Fasting protocol calorie intake went up, I haven't been counting but I would say minimum 1500 per day. The coffee alone is around 400 - 500 calories depending on how rich it is.
The reason I didn't do what you suggested is that is generally what I do, make too many changes, and not stick with it. This time around I am making smaller changes over a longer period of time to make sure I stick with each portion of the program. This week I am starting the Yoga and when I get under 250 I intend to get a membership at a gym for BJJ.
As to the Bulletproof Coffee thing, all I can say is try it. I am sure it is not the only thing that works and I am sure it is not the sole thing that causes weight loss on this program. However, the principle of filling the morning with fats rather than carbs is sound. The abatement in hunger is also something that is amazing. Other breakfasts that I had eaten in the past would leave me hungry by 11am again. With the caffeine and fat it lasts much longer. The way the caffeine is digested is also interesting. I described it to a co-worker as 'it feels like I have never drank coffee before'. I don't think the focus it brings is shenanigans, it feels reel.
Also, the amount of butter / oil that he puts in his coffee is nonsense. I end up doing approximately 1-2 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp MCT oil. The thought of drinking a stick of butter in the morning doesn't sound good taste wise much less health wise.
The coffee isn't that expensive if you purchase the 5 lb bag, at least not an amount that I worry about. It is still cheaper than getting Starbucks or something on the way to work. Also, RFLP is silly, but the other stuff isn't anywhere near starvation nor do they encourage it.Wow. I just spent some time reading about this, and that's one of the biggest crocks of horseshit I've read recently. So not only are you starving yourself on this retarded diet, but you're also paying out the ass for this bullshit coffee. Well done.