Weight Loss Thread


Tranny Chaser
Holy shit you haven't read or understood a thing anyone has said to you about that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, most ignorant people are willfully so.
so you're denying that a weekend of eating junk can have an effect on body fat levels the following week?

Why is it then that every time I have had a bad weekend in terms of food/alcohol the bf% has either stayed the same or gone up?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yes. I know math isn't your strong point, but I'll try anyways. I'll use round numbers to help.

Let's say you weigh 180 pounds. Your current body fat is 15%. That means you've got 27 pounds of fat, and 153 pounds of lean body mass (muscle, bone, water, etc).

In order to drop your body fat percentage one point, you've got to lose 1.8 pounds of fat, assuming you're staying the same body weight. Alternatively, you could raise your lean body mass enough that your current 27 pounds of fat is now only 14%. To do that, you need to increase your LBM to 165 pounds, for a total body weight of 192.

1.8 pounds of fat requires 6300 calories to produce (or a deficit of 6300 in this case). For simplicity sake, we'll assume that you require 2500 calories for maintaining your current body weight (basal metabolic rate, plus any activity). Over the course of a week, that would mean eating 900 calories under maintenance, or 1600 every day. That's a pretty severe caloric deficit.

The other option is putting on 12 pounds. Under completely ideal circumstances, a male can produce 2 pounds of lean muscle a month. Those circumstances would be someone who has never weight trained and has an impecible nutrition plan and weight training plan. That's 1/2 a pound of muscle a week. That leaves 11.5 pounds of "other" lean body mass, which basically amounts to water.

But you were talking about a weekend, not a week. So that gives 2 days for all of this. Even combining both, you can see how ridiculous that is. Body composition changes don't happen in days. They happen in weeks or months.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk



Tranny Chaser

As I've already said, I get my bf measured by the same person, using the same calipers, at the same time on the same day every single week. I don't tell him what my diet or social life have been like since I last saw him until after he takes the readings. If I stick to my diet and don't go out then my current program has been seeing drops of 1% per week. The only blips upward have been when I've strayed off the diet plan - how else do you explain this.

And as for your calorific deficit - eating 400 under and burning the same amount through exercise is easily achievable


Mr. Poopybutthole
The only blips upward have been when I've strayed off the diet plan - how else do you explain this.
Confirmation bias and margin of error.

The margin of error on calipers is 3-6% (with some crazy numbers up to 15%). You could measure within seconds and get vastly different numbers. When I say it's retarded to give your body fat percentage to tenths of a percent, it's because calipers aren't even accurate to a percent, much less more than that.

This isn't the greatest explanation, but it's decent enough. I suggest you read it.

The Pitfalls of Body Fat "Measurement": Part 1

As far as your 400 calories under, I feel like you're not even paying attention. First, I said 900. Second, that's 900 a day for a week. You said it was over a weekend. That's 3150 calories each day, for two days. Or basically more than double what you'd normally eat.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Question: Running into an issue here. I've pretty much been stuck being sedentary over the next month or two, and I've been down a month already after a climbing accident. Shoulder surgery in the next couple weeks, then no real hard exercise for 2 months, second shoulder surgery, then another 2 month window.

Anyone have any hints on keeping weight down when you can't really do a lot of exercise? I've ballooned up about 10 lbs since I fucked my shoulder up, and I'd like to keep any more to a minimum until I can get a moderate amount of exercise and eventually get climbing again.


Molten Core Raider

Does weightlifting impair running endurance?

I ask this because when I started off my weight loss journey at the start of 2012, I like most beginners stuck to the treadmill. As I was losing weight, my running performance naturally got better and at one time I was running just over 8 min miles over a 30 min period.

I then switched over to primarily lifting weights with the occasional cardio for the best part of a year and mostly avoided the treadmill but recently, I am trying to cut down on more body fat so incorporated more cardio into my routine. I was pretty shocked to find that now I couldn't run as long as I used to even though I am much stronger and have a soreness in my lower back whilst running that I never used to have when starting out.

It sucks that even though I have put on more muscle, my running endurance has taken a nosedive. Is it just me and my routine or is running endurance and weightlifting mutually exclusive in general?


Mr. Poopybutthole
It sounds like you haven't been running as often, so it shouldn't be a surprise that your running has suffered. Heavy weightlifting and running are somewhat opposite. Putting on additional muscle mass makes you heavy and therefore you're trying to move more weight. Running impairs muscle development. But if you're not doing either one super hard, you should be able to maintain a balance.


Tranny Chaser
Confirmation bias.
Stopped reading, said earlier that my measurements are taken, results given and if they have gone up I am then asked what could have affected the results, so unless my trainer is psychic he has no way of knowing what my diet has been like


Tranny Chaser
The margin of error on calipers is 3-6% (with some crazy numbers up to 15%).
again, we've been over this repeatedly, I'm not claiming the ccalipers are accurate 100%, merely that the readings taken each week are a way for me to track my progress. I've been having them done weekly since Feb by the same person, at the same time, with the same calipers on the same day every week. If I stick to my diet the % comes down, if I don't it goes up, therefore there is nothing anyone on this thread can say to make me believe the readings aren't real

Feel free to make the same retarded arguments next week when I post next weeks results


Buzzfeed Editor
It seems like every time I come in this thread like "hey let's read people sharing about weight loss struggles and strategies! maybe I can share my own progress, I'm doing really well now!" it is something about Ossoi losing 1.5% body fat over the course of a couple of days due to some nebulous bullshit and like 10 people telling him he is stupid or whatever. The same 10 people, every time. And every time I wonder "hey I wonder how many people come here to post and see this stupid bullshit and just go away."


<Bronze Donator>
Probably because he works with a lot of other knuckledraggers like you. When you pay someone to tell you to drink coconut oil to lose weight, he knows he's not working with the smartest person. If you hadn't gone out and ate a lot, he probably would have made something else up on the spot. Not enough REM sleep! Too much coconut oil! You're on your period. Lebron James is mad at you. The moon is waxing.

edit: that was in response to Ossoi.

Join us in the mockery, Chaos, it's fun.


Tranny Chaser
It seems like every time I come in this thread like "hey let's read people sharing about weight loss struggles and strategies! maybe I can share my own progress, I'm doing really well now!" it is something about Ossoi losing 1.5% body fat over the course of a couple of days due to some nebulous bullshit and like 10 people telling him he is stupid or whatever. The same 10 people, every time. And every time I wonder "hey I wonder how many people come here to post and see this stupid bullshit and just go away."
Before my last post I hadn't given an update on myweight lossfor a few weeks. If I am in the wrong for posting about weight loss in a weight loss thread then I apologise. But you are 100% right on the idiots


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Question: Running into an issue here. I've pretty much been stuck being sedentary over the next month or two, and I've been down a month already after a climbing accident. Shoulder surgery in the next couple weeks, then no real hard exercise for 2 months, second shoulder surgery, then another 2 month window.

Anyone have any hints on keeping weight down when you can't really do a lot of exercise? I've ballooned up about 10 lbs since I fucked my shoulder up, and I'd like to keep any more to a minimum until I can get a moderate amount of exercise and eventually get climbing again.
Other than diet, like Elurin suggested, can you do some light exercise on a stationary bike? Or just some light walking around the block every day? Anything, really, to burn a few extra calories and keep yourself active.


Does weightlifting impair running endurance?

I ask this because when I started off my weight loss journey at the start of 2012, I like most beginners stuck to the treadmill. As I was losing weight, my running performance naturally got better and at one time I was running just over 8 min miles over a 30 min period.

I then switched over to primarily lifting weights with the occasional cardio for the best part of a year and mostly avoided the treadmill but recently, I am trying to cut down on more body fat so incorporated more cardio into my routine. I was pretty shocked to find that now I couldn't run as long as I used to even though I am much stronger and have a soreness in my lower back whilst running that I never used to have when starting out.

It sucks that even though I have put on more muscle, my running endurance has taken a nosedive. Is it just me and my routine or is running endurance and weightlifting mutually exclusive in general?
Use it or lose it. It sounds like you dramatically cut down on your running for a year so you can't expect to just jump right back into where you were. If you were to cut down on your lifting now and focus heavily on running again, your lifting would similarly suffer.


Tranny Chaser
Just curious, but why do you post here after continually being harassed and told you are wrong?
It's a weight loss topic, I'm posting about my weight loss and what works for me. Do you think I care what people with no credentials say on the internet?