Weight Loss Thread

I was basically looking for some proof of this. She has used the app (myFitnessPal or something) for 6 months and has lost a lot of weight, so she swears by it. I've told her "look, I am pretty sure you are at a threshhold that you aren't supposed to go below ever to function." I thought I read before on some website where it listed absolute minimum calories that regardless or any information people told you never to go below. I thought it was 1200 for women, but I can't be sure and my work is blocking weird websites.

If I have proof and make her look she might listen. Right now, even though she's hungry and is skipping lunch - she's still following the 1200 to an exact amount every day. If she goes 100 over she gets upset.

The kicker is, at this point she's wanting to maintain her weight because she just got her dress finished and we get married in ~1 month. Even though she's trying to maintain, she's still eating only 1200. I'm not sure the algorithm, but I'm pretty sure what the app is doing is going "she needs 1700 to maintain, to lose weight you need to cutout 500 calories each day = bam 1200". Or it might even be actually lower for her maintenance, something like 1500 would make sense, and since you don't want to go below 1200 that's what it's setting it at.

Sorry, long post. Just looking for a study or some kind of information on this.
If you undereat, grossly undereat, or starve yourself, you lose weight either way, doesn't mean it's healthy or has no negative side effects. You(and her) may want to watch this:



Mr. Poopybutthole
We think of eating disorders as literally starving yourself or forced vomiting. But I've read about women who exercise and everyone thinks they just eat right and are in great shape, but in reality they are malnourishing themselves in fear of putting on weight. I don't know the answer but something to think about.
Yeah, sounds like she has an eating disorder or body dysmorphia.

That BMR is the absolute minimum needed to survive (hers is probably 1200-1300). Technically you can go below it, but your body starts cannibalizing itself. That is, until it realizes it's not going to get food and then it's in starvation mode. At that point, you're fucking yourself up. But BMR isn't the same as minimum needed to function. It's minimum needed to not die. You have to consider the fact that your body is using energy for your daily activities (basal rate is basically if you were in a coma).

People eat below their maintenance (BMR + daily) in order for the body to consume it's stored energy (fat or muscle, preferably fat). But when you're 98 pounds, there's not much left to cannibalize.

I kind of feel like people who don't understand how the body functions shouldn't be blindly picking a caloric goal without understanding how they got there. It's dangerous. Maintenance is NOT the same as BMR. That's why you need to do some calculations to estimate your daily usage. In her case if she's active all day and runs afterwards, she probably needs something in the low-2000's tomaintainher weight.


A Mod Real Quick
Don't worry. Once you're officially married she'll let herself go and fatten up quite nicely, I'm sure.
She was 130 before and was chunky, I fear it will get worse. I can basically just eat meat and be happy as a pig in shit but for whatever reason the woman needs to eat chocolate by the pound.

She doesn't have an eating disorder or body/muscle dysmorphia, lol. She's retarded. She's following this app because it has worked well for her. I think her problem is she's tiny, and this is more designed towards normal people.

Thanks for the video ark, I'll check it out. I'm not too stupid when it comes to this stuff, but knowledge is always good. She's extremely stubborn and the only way she learns is if she reads something that says "IF YOU EAT THIS LITTLE YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED AND YOU WILL DIE TOMORROW." I could preach all day, and I have, and her defense is always because app.

It's a work in progress.


<Bronze Donator>
Sounds like she's not entering any of her exercise into the app. Hour and a half of lawnmowing(my backyard
) is ~600 calories. If you run a couple miles on top of delivering mail, she can easily push 2k calories to maintain. If she wants to be really precise about it, tell her to wear a heart rate monitor during her mail delivery and running. That will give a mostly accurate picture of how many calories are used then.


A Mod Real Quick
Sounds like she's not entering any of her exercise into the app. Hour and a half of lawnmowing(my backyard
) is ~600 calories. If you run a couple miles on top of delivering mail, she can easily push 2k calories to maintain. If she wants to be really precise about it, tell her to wear a heart rate monitor during her mail delivery and running. That will give a mostly accurate picture of how many calories are used then.
She puts in the exercise but she needs something for work. It's very difficult to gauge, especially with varying routes. Will heart rate monitors allow her to see how many calories she burned or will I need to dig into my numerical analysis textbooks and do some Jacobian matrix math?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Watched Arkk's video. It's good, but it kind of muddies the issue for most people. It's basically talking about people who have wrecked their metabolism by dropping into the sub-10% (or probably 15% for women) body fat areas repeatedly. And now their BMR is well outside of the "normal" ranges of metabolism.

Granted, that definitely could be happening with Noodle's fiance, since it sounds like she's maintaining on like 1200 calories. But it's possible she can recover her metabolism quickly unlike the people talked about in that video.

Itcanbe applied to fat people dieting down and bouncing back up. It's why the contestant's on The Biggest Loser always gain most of the weight back. They dieted down so quickly because they were starving themselves, that as soon as they eat like a normal person again (not even like they did before), their metabolism can't adjust fast enough.

He didn't cover it exactly, but you should really do things about 300 calories at a time. That is, find your maintenance and only adjust 300 calories over the course of a month or two. See how that 300 changes your weight and then adjust again if necessary.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't wear one myself since I hover within a pound or 2 of 160 no matter how hard I try put on muscle. Well, ok, I don't try that hard, but that's another story. Point is, app says I need this many calories to maintain, I add any exercise I do for the day, and my weight has stayed relatively flat. My brother wears one, I can ask him if you're really interested. I would like to say it would defeat the purpose of such an item if it didn't make it convenient for you to know how many calories your activity just netted you. Not many people want to just know their heart rate.

Does she eat more on days you run? Also, what time period did she lose that weight?


A Mod Real Quick
I don't wear one myself since I hover within a pound or 2 of 160 no matter how hard I try put on muscle. Well, ok, I don't try that hard, but that's another story. Point is, app says I need this many calories to maintain, I add any exercise I do for the day, and my weight has stayed relatively flat. My brother wears one, I can ask him if you're really interested. I would like to say it would defeat the purpose of such an item if it didn't make it convenient for you to know how many calories your activity just netted you. Not many people want to just know their heart rate.

Does she eat more on days you run? Also, what time period did she lose that weight?
It's been since October and it might have been closer to 30-40 pounds I'd say. So whatever that is. She wasn't fat, but she was chunky and headed in a bad direction.

She eats more on days we run because of the way the app works. It adds up food as you input it and also if you enter exercise and length of exercise it will subtract calories. She always hits her target, almost pinpoint accuracy.


<Bronze Donator>
Well, then what's the app set at? The one I use has a target goal of half pound(s) per week. If she's done losing weight(her BMI is 19.1, almost underweight), maybe she needs to change the settings in the app. 500 calorie deficit per day is pretty close to a pound a week.
Watched Arkk's video. It's good, but it kind of muddies the issue for most people. It's basically talking about people who have wrecked their metabolism by dropping into the sub-10% (or probably 15% for women) body fat areas repeatedly. And now their BMR is well outside of the "normal" ranges of metabolism.

Granted, that definitely could be happening with Noodle's fiance, since it sounds like she's maintaining on like 1200 calories. But it's possible she can recover her metabolism quickly unlike the people talked about in that video.

Itcanbe applied to fat people dieting down and bouncing back up. It's why the contestant's on The Biggest Loser always gain most of the weight back. They dieted down so quickly because they were starving themselves, that as soon as they eat like a normal person again (not even like they did before), their metabolism can't adjust fast enough.

He didn't cover it exactly, but you should really do things about 300 calories at a time. That is, find your maintenance and only adjust 300 calories over the course of a month or two. See how that 300 changes your weight and then adjust again if necessary.
According to him, and I've seen it myself years and years ago and never thought anything of it, when you reach a plateau you can continue progress by dropping like 75 calories.

The whole metabolic damage thing is getting him tons of flak from people because coaches put people on diets for shows and shit with the same philosophy as Noodle's girl, and they are essentially getting put on blast. Huge deficits, huge amounts of exercise, and you WILL lose weight. But the long term pushback and issues are coming if you fuck around enough.

It sounds like common sense to not do that, but people seriously into fitness are very vain and very gullible, they'll do anything, literally.


I am 43 years old 6'1 286lbs. I started back in the gym and diet today. My plan is to skip all cardio and hit the weights hard as far as diet I plan to cut out most sugars and bad carbs I will weigh every Monday and post how well things are working.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am 43 years old 6'1 286lbs. I started back in the gym and diet today. My plan is to skip all cardio and hit the weights hard as far as diet I plan to cut out most sugars and bad carbs I will weigh every Monday and post how well things are working.
Going to be tough to cut weight without cardio, especially at your age you old fuck.

Do some low intensity cardio, if nothing else. Gets the blood pumping, and targets fat more so than anything else for energy.


A Mod Real Quick
If you go hard no the weights you can lose a lot of poundage, but most people just go through the motions and don't accomplish much. I would at least do some interval training man, work your way up to some HIIT and also include weights. At 286 if you eat right you'll slim down in no time.


<Bronze Donator>
Is this the first stonewall post outside of the political thread? More than one sentence? Not a troll post?
Noodle - there's a billion BMR calculators on the internet. The basic result is that at 5'0 and 98 pounds your fiance needs to be eating ~1200 calories a day to maintain weight with ZERO physical activity, ie in a coma. She is also at the absolute lowest weight she can be without being considered underweight. At 95lb she will be underweight, at 90 she would be pushing towards severely underweight, which carries some pretty significant health risks, particularly osteoporosis later in life.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am 43 years old 6'1 286lbs. I started back in the gym and diet today. My plan is to skip all cardio and hit the weights hard as far as diet I plan to cut out most sugars and bad carbs I will weigh every Monday and post how well things are working.
Fuck weights, you are a fat fuck. Do cardio, eat well, drop weight. Once you are under 250 or better yet 220 or lower maybe think about toning up some muscle. Hit that treadmill or something, damn man.


Swimming is amazing. I prefer to think of it as body sculpting for the lazy efficient and inefficient alike. Four times a week, roughly a hour of actual swimming, and results are seemingly full-proof. That does presuppose increasing the rigor, slowly, over the year, but you can half-ass most of it and still see results. You'll never get bulky, but the physique will be appropriate.


Molten Core Raider
I'm pretty sure it's correct that if you do cardio to get your heart rate up to where it needs to be and then maintain it for your weights workout you burn noticeably more calories.