Weight Loss Thread


Trakanon Raider
I had to look around for bike parking when I went to the store and probably saw ten times the amount of people I normally see on my way home. It's worse today than it was on the first.
So I've lost about 15 pounds through improving my diet alone (no more ice cream, reduced fast food/soda) over the last 4 months. It is not record progress, but I think I'm doing pretty well. If I keep it up I'm on target to lose another 10 or so over the next 4.

Is it possible to work out in a way that makes a real difference at home without gym equipment? I've been doing a few exercises like pushups, lunges, squats, and tricep exercises for a couple weeks now that require no equipment or just a dumbbell. Am I wasting my time? Gym access isn't really plausible. The goal is increased strength and to help weight loss.


<Bronze Donator>
Muscle gain and weight loss usually don't go together. The best you can do is minimize the amount of muscle lost during weight gain by eating a lot of protein and doing some moderate lifting. Concentrate on the strength training after hitting your target weight.


Guarding the guardians
Resolutioner checking in. I tried twice in 2013 to get started, and kept it up for 4 months, and then 1.5 months. My relationship with Mr Rippetoe is very on-off.

At least I have a home gym, so I'm not bothering other people.

I still hate squats.


Trump's Staff
Just found this article, I haven't gone through all the citations yet so don't jump all over my ass if one of them is wrong (I'll do that when I get home) but the proclamations echo what I've been seeing as a general trend in nutrition science int he past ~10-15 years.

How to Win an Argument With a Nutritionist


Tranny Chaser
Is it possible to work out in a way that makes a real difference at home without gym equipment? I've been doing a few exercises like pushups, lunges, squats, and tricep exercises for a couple weeks now that require no equipment or just a dumbbell. Am I wasting my time? Gym access isn't really plausible. The goal is increased strength and to help weight loss.
Get a chin-up bar and install that, easy way to track strength increases and get stronger.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
So I've lost about 15 pounds through improving my diet alone (no more ice cream, reduced fast food/soda) over the last 4 months. It is not record progress, but I think I'm doing pretty well. If I keep it up I'm on target to lose another 10 or so over the next 4.

Is it possible to work out in a way that makes a real difference at home without gym equipment? I've been doing a few exercises like pushups, lunges, squats, and tricep exercises for a couple weeks now that require no equipment or just a dumbbell. Am I wasting my time? Gym access isn't really plausible. The goal is increased strength and to help weight loss.
You're certainly not wasting your time. ANY exercising is good. Body weight and light dumbbell exercises won't allow you to build a large amount of muscle, but a steady routine of those coupled with a solid diet can allow you to get fairly toned as your body fat drops. I wouldn't worry so much about your workout routine because, in the end, it mostly boils down to diet.

I remember someone saying it in this thread a while ago: a great diet and mediocre workout routine is much better than a poor diet and perfect workout routine.


A Mod Real Quick
It's like 90% diet and 10% exercise routine when it comes to losing weight. If you want to put on serious muscle obviously that weight changes


<Bronze Donator>
Just found this article, I haven't gone through all the citations yet so don't jump all over my ass if one of them is wrong (I'll do that when I get home) but the proclamations echo what I've been seeing as a general trend in nutrition science int he past ~10-15 years.

How to Win an Argument With a Nutritionist
Most of this is(should be) pretty obvious. What I want is guidelines. You eat on average X amount sugar, you will likely get diabetes in ~Y years. No assumptions that eating sugar will make you hungry sooner and then that will make you fat and that will kill you.


Got something right about marriage
Most of this is(should be) pretty obvious. What I want is guidelines. You eat on average X amount sugar, you will likely get diabetes in ~Y years. No assumptions that eating sugar will make you hungry sooner and then that will make you fat and that will kill you.
Why do you keep claiming that sugar will make you hungry is an assumption? It's been studied. Also, it's been studied and shown to be directly linked to heart disease.

Too Much Sugar Can Cause Heart Failure - Medical News Today


<Bronze Donator>
Sorry, the assumption that someone will automatically act on that hunger.

And again, that link is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. What is "too much sugar"? Give me some damn numbers that I can act on.

Did you know high consumption of alcohol, meat, and seafood can cause gout? Better cut down on those. No, I'm not going to tell you how much. I'm just going to scare you with vagaries. These studies are good but they often feel incomplete. Maybe it's the engineer in me, but just linking sugar to heart disease is only half the battle. How much sugar to how much heart damage and when are just as important.


Got something right about marriage
Fair enough. But there is a magic number I'm afraid, nobody will ever be able to give you one. Just like there is no magic number for how many cigarettes you can smoke before you get lung cancer or how much alcohol you can drink before you get cirrhosis. Everyone's body is different and some people are naturally more susceptible to these things. My general rule of thumb is 20g of sugar or less per day (A piece of decent fruit like an apple and some veggies/salad dressing)

Be smart about it. Cut the unnecessary bullshit that's loaded with sugar (juice, soda, candy, ice cream, cookies, etc)


<Bronze Donator>
Ugh, how boring. Might as well kill me now. Or hook me up to an IV and bypass eating all together.

Those things are necessary. They make eating and cooking enjoyable. This is exactly why I want even somewhat accurate numbers, so people don't overreact and create draconian rules. How did you arrive at 20g? Is it totally based upon the fruit and salad dressing?

Apparently 1 AND ONLY 1 apple a day will keep the doctor away.


Got something right about marriage
It's basically because I don't have a sweet tooth and don't find sugar rich foods and drinks appealing. I actually have to make an effort to get to that 20g. Otherwise I end up in ketosis for extended periods of time because I tend to eat very little carbs. In actuality I consume closer to 4-8g of sugar a day. That 4g number comes directly from Dr. Atkins book. He recommends staying under 4g for the first phase of his diet (which is ketogenic) otherwise you risk halting ketosis.

I only drink water (and booze but not that often anymore) and never eat sweets. When I do eat fruit it's usually berries which are low in sugar as well. I can easily never eat or drink sugar again and not care.

Seems like you feel you can't live without sugar. I'm the opposite. Take away steak and vinegar and I'll die though. I eat so many pickled veggies, tons of hot sauce and a lot of protein because that's what I love. I find it very easy to cook delicious meals without sugar.


A Mod Real Quick
Same way here. Take away my meats and I'd be dead within a week. If you take away sugar I wouldn't care at all. For my wife it's completely the opposite, she could live off sugar but wouldn't give a shit if she never ate meat.


<Bronze Donator>
I could live without sweets if the threat was quantified enough. These studies don't do near enough to quantify it. Driving your car could kill you...gonna stop?


Got something right about marriage
Here you go:

Report Provides New Sugar Recommendations For Adults | Rodale News

Sugars and Carbohydrates

The recommended sugar intake for adult women is 5 teaspoons (20 grams) of sugar per day, for adult men, it's 9 teaspoons (36 grams) daily, and for children, it's 3 teaspoons (12 grams) a day.
Why are you making every one else google shit for you? Come on man!

And that is sugar period, they make no distinction on what "kind of sugar" because those distinctions are largely bullshit. "Natural sugar" is still sugar.


<Bronze Donator>
Because I'm not telling people what to eat. To be fair, neither did you, but you did respond to my post.

That guideline is ridiculous. You realize 1 cup(not 1 glass) of 1% milk has 12g of sugar? Yet milk is easily the best source for children to get a liquid source of calcium. I'm actually having trouble coming up with any other natural liquid source of calcium. So, now I've essentially got conflicting guidelines.