All hosts, programmed to appear human (Remember they specifically say they have the ability to do this). Why? Because a back story and corner stone memory is important to make the hosts believable and build their personality. This entire thing was the corner stone memory for a park built off of the future world war. Ford? He was a host, too. Think about it, if there are multiple parks, how much sense does it make for the real Ford to be working in West World? Makes more sense if each park has a Ford-bot. Future world's Ford-bot is part of the back story.
As for consciousness. I should walk that back, hosts are conscious, but that was needed to make future world work. Its why conscious hosts from all parks are pulled into this one, to give the humans the best experience with hosts that ARE alive and don't have the little tell tale signs of being on rails their discerning, long time customers can see (MIB is a beta tester.) Future world is the ultimate park, one you need to sign a release for...for discerning veterans of their other parks that have become bored with 'safe' game play.